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Today's daily objectives uncompletable


Rookie 1
Its been happening thruought a whole season, we always have to send em mails or post something here to let em know what to do... Like today, sd is closed and they didnt move sd objectives so we cant get 30 cash and stamina... I know its prolly gonna be fixed later, but are they so dumb that shit like this happens to them always? Smh...


Rookie 2
Re: Why cant EA do a single thing right, and on time actualy?

I am 99% sure this won't get fixed and I don't really care. There's like a day left for the season and there has only been 1 update in weeks, that being the closing of auctions.
Re: Why cant EA do a single thing right, and on time actualy?

Daily Objectives refresh at 5 pm on the Asia server and Showdown finishes at 8 pm so this wasn't a problem. I'm not sure why the season ends at 7 pm tomorrow. I figure they will screw up tomorrow's Daily Objectives.


Rookie 1
Re: Why cant EA do a single thing right, and on time actualy?

I have around 200 useless collectible items plus one 104 payton that I got today ... can neither sell nor use as training points , they could fixid that at least!


Rookie 1
somebody fix daily objectives

HELP!!!! somebody can somebody help me call attention of ea to fix the daily nba live mobile objectives.

There is no SD games and yet there are SD objectives.

I just lack one daily objective token for Alonzo mourning pantheon.

Without finishing todays objectives. i may not be able to get him and

i replaced his supposed roster place with a basic elite.

It sucks


Rookie 1
Re: Showdown season discussions - end of season 12 / new season 13

OK so since showdown is over, how are we suposed to get all of the daily objectives since two of them are showdown objectives?? Anyone know?


Rookie 2
Re: somebody fix daily objectives

Merged both your posts into this thread and changed the title so more of these topics wouldn't pop up.

HELP!!!! somebody can somebody help me call attention of ea to fix the daily nba live mobile objectives.

There is no SD games and yet there are SD objectives.

I just lack one daily objective token for Alonzo mourning pantheon.

Without finishing todays objectives. i may not be able to get him and

i replaced his supposed roster place with a basic elite.

It sucks

That's just terrible organizing, you should know better than to leave everything for literally the last day.

OK so since showdown is over, how are we suposed to get all of the daily objectives since two of them are showdown objectives?? Anyone know?


Rookie 1
The seasons over people. Get over it. It won't be fixed and I don't care and either should you.


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