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This site is way better than gg


Rookie 1
Just want to say I?m really liking this forum. Better than gg. Everyone is cool and positive. No childish antics. Keep it up guys.


Rookie 1
I agree, and I want to give a thanks to all the creators of this site. I feel bad for those still on MutHead (A site about a football game) discussing a basketball game lol


Rookie 1
I agree, and I want to give a thanks to all the creators of this site. I feel bad for those still on MutHead (A site about a football game) discussing a basketball game lol

I would like to give credit to all the guys that got this going as well. Also if there has been any shinanigans good job checking it before I even noticed.


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
You're welcome guys we put a lot of work into the site and are still making changes something GG only did once every year or so and we try to get rid of any bad stuff asap


Rookie 3
Staff member
Thanks for the love & kind words guys.

Our main aim here was to provide a comfortable and open space for positive and useful discussions!

Always happy to take user feedback as well of course.



Rookie 1
It goes to show that dedicated users can also create wonderful environments, not just a few egotistical folks.


Rookie 2
The UI is much cleaner and simpler, which really helps. Our moderators are also pretty good and less anxious about the good things compared to the former, which helps a lot in the topics featured here.

Kudos. :D
I was one of those people who tried Muthead and there is no comparison, this site is much better. Muthead is where threads go to die.


Rookie 1
After gg I arrived on muthead after 2 days I did not come back and I did not go to forums anymore just my group, I was pleasantly surprised when I found this by chance.
Because you do not allow users to invite by releasing a link with their username so each recording can be used to scale, Type a Referral.
I said bullshit? Yessss :eek:


Rookie 1
After gg I arrived on muthead after 2 days I did not come back and I did not go to forums anymore just my group, I was pleasantly surprised when I found this by chance.
Because you do not allow users to invite by releasing a link with their username so each recording can be used to scale, Type a Referral.
I said bullshit? Yessss :eek:



Rookie 1
Alekk, like it did not happen, I realized already yesterday after some beer that was not to be repeated

I had said this
Send a link to register and in your profile are the records you have obtained. This was but erase this idea.


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