Developers gotta take this game a little more seriously and look at their events and it's structure....the recent playoff event for example....the format is ok....really high energy costs which with 600 max is hard to complete imagine the newer players with much lower caps....this game is not friendly towards newer players. Go to sets and find that the overall grandmaster which requires 4 masters to trade in inc:
97 clay Thompson (ranked thru the event) requires full 7 day grind!!!!!
3 other 97 masters which are nowhere to be found except in the store for insane amount of game cash and real money.....and this is a weekly event......I don't have $100+ dollars to spend on this game every week for one player I really want....that's just ridiculous.....full version NBA games cost less than that and u own it for a lifetime!!!!
if you lower your prices people will actually spend money on it!!!!
I loved this game wen I started playing it.....but now it's just ridiculous with events we can't even find the needed cards to get or complete....what's the point??
97 clay Thompson (ranked thru the event) requires full 7 day grind!!!!!
3 other 97 masters which are nowhere to be found except in the store for insane amount of game cash and real money.....and this is a weekly event......I don't have $100+ dollars to spend on this game every week for one player I really want....that's just ridiculous.....full version NBA games cost less than that and u own it for a lifetime!!!!
if you lower your prices people will actually spend money on it!!!!
I loved this game wen I started playing it.....but now it's just ridiculous with events we can't even find the needed cards to get or complete....what's the point??