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The Arena (BETA), Good Experience.


Rookie 1
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I believe there is a thread about giving your feedback and anger for the PvP real time match, The Arena, which NBALM just released, and myself just one week old player here.

I know and understand there are some issues, but after all? If I gotta choose playing SD or ARENA? After I got myself 55th position on SD by playing hours of hours every day, simply just to get Jersey and stuffs for SD Master... I realised I'd rather earn them from The Arena 'PREMIUM'.. as the rewards are fine and kinda similar. Also, it's more fun playing with another player real time than playing with a team with 3-5% adv of OVR which guarantee win as the AI bot plays real well. in ARENA mode, a player might not be playing as perfect, and you can win, like I won against players with OVR higher than me.

I attached the video below for you to see my experience. I am in Australia and I'm not sure why but my connection is most of the time super perfect, like almost...
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I basically live in the arena mode. It's always good to see your opponent shoot a 3 with Shaq and......MISS!!

That a basket in SD.


Rookie 1
I basically live in the arena mode. It's always good to see your opponent shoot a 3 with Shaq and......MISS!!

That a basket in SD.

SD play is perfection... if we got all 100ovr player and opponents got all 105ovr for example, we will be done. And if you realise this, opponents in SD will play much faster with such impossible playmaking, agility speed and pass, just to destroy us.

In the Arena, we play like a little more real, I destroyed 108ovr team with my 99ovr from time to time simply because I know how gamers that dont really know basketball play.

Too easy to keep blocking them because being obvious in the Arena is a ticket to lose. Lol


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