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Statement from EA Jenny on 'R' RE: Cheating + other info


Rookie 3
intersting read if you havent seen this:

Statement from EA Jenny:

"Thank you for your concern, all of you. I have been pushing for action on cheating ever since I was hired but it takes a lot for us to legally take action. What I am doing right now is starting a formal process involving many of the devs that starts tomorrow. We will be meeting regularly and discussing as a group how by legal standards we can assess cheaters in the four categories I have laid out (bots, coin sellers, cash sellers and GG users), gather proper proof and intel, and figure out how we can either combat it on the dev side or take legal action. We are in no sense ignoring the issue at hand, it is just not as simple as we would all hope. We need to approach the issue appropriately. The Game Changers have been immensely helpful and will continue to be as we work to gather as much proof as possible. Thank you for your patience as we work hard to come up with solutions. (Read more below)

We are aware...
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Rookie 3
DISCLAIMER: i am not sponsoring nor advertising another site, thin that alot of these issues have been discussed here, and am grateful that it appears that EA is taking them seriously.. but think this will be more addressed in S4 than now

Steve Rogers

Rookie 2
Maybe we could have a discussion here and then Stevie or another one who runs this page speaks in the name of all of us here with those guys from EA...I personally dont use twitter or reddit so i dont see any way to get connected with jenny or brian or whoever is going to be in EA's pages on twitter or reddit...what do you think guys?..btw nice post G2theMoney,we actually need more posts like this so we can improve one another with ideas or gameplans or any kind of advice...✌


Rookie 3
sweet as!

personally, my biggest concern is LvL.. this is where we have (i would presume, all) have formed small communities within the game. we have had our team for almost 3 yrs.. and have only lost players along the way, due to the cheating.

i wasnt aware of GG till this year, and i personally stated questioning that something was broken when we slid out of the Top 50, to 150.. and then the posts on the league leader board started about the GG cheaters..

im in this game for the fun of it. the rest of the game is personal choices, whether you grind the promos/ SD, play the AH etc, but LvL is really a binder for most people, and that it is so easily manipulated by an app, is really sad.. especially when the rewards for "winning" are so low.. why cheat? i dont get it

putting that aside, and the fact that they are able to manipulate cash, coins and even discussion of a separate AH (i read that here i think), it is ABUNDANTLY clear who are doing it, and that these teams "invest" is BS... we all see them week to week in the top SD slots, we see they have the top players, and that EA cant see whether their accounts invest REAL cash.. seems strange..

anyways, my 2c's :)

Steve Rogers

Rookie 2
sweet as!

personally, my biggest concern is LvL.. this is where we have (i would presume, all) have formed small communities within the game. we have had our team for almost 3 yrs.. and have only lost players along the way, due to the cheating.

i wasnt aware of GG till this year, and i personally stated questioning that something was broken when we slid out of the Top 50, to 150.. and then the posts on the league leader board started about the GG cheaters..

im in this game for the fun of it. the rest of the game is personal choices, whether you grind the promos/ SD, play the AH etc, but LvL is really a binder for most people, and that it is so easily manipulated by an app, is really sad.. especially when the rewards for "winning" are so low.. why cheat? i dont get it

putting that aside, and the fact that they are able to manipulate cash, coins and even discussion of a separate AH (i read that here i think), it is ABUNDANTLY clear who are doing it, and that these teams "invest" is BS... we all see them week to week in the top SD slots, we see they have the top players, and that EA cant see whether their accounts invest REAL cash.. seems strange..

anyways, my 2c's :)
That's true about lvl...i quited lvl back in december only because of those mo** fu** cheaters..i simply didnt see or have any reason to fight or move on with lvl because you didnt know if you are playing real players or ***** ass cheating scumbags(sorry for my language)...and i was with those guys for 2 season...it was really hard to do that...so i continued with SD and promos just for sake of childhood memories of this game...then not so long ago i joined a group of new formed team with some old friends who quited the game for same reason or due to job,just to play 2 back to back games with some cheaters in which they have been doing regulary 40+...so again quit and have no intention to get to lvl again this season..why are people cheating,is there any kind of real money profit from cheaters or what?


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Cheating won't get fixed

The shooting button issue is linked to playing an event that doesn't use the shooting button at all then playing one that needs it right after that using "play again"

Them lowering the minimum allowed for the cards would solve it easily

The cap was 116 not 115 but I was able to pass that and even reach 118 on 3pt with boosts but it depended on the player not all hit that mark

I cut out the "other information" part because that was meant exclusively for Reddit we don't get people spam posting card pull or "what should I do" posts


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