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So is this the xmas promo?

Is this it? I don?t wanna be the little crybaby complainer, but here is my feelings on this present promo.

#1 milk and cookies from last year really hooked me on this game again, it was so much fun and you controlled how many presents you would get by your grinding driving madness. Last years milk and cookies was my favorite promo and I have been looking forward to the Christmas promo ever since. I have been excited for this promo for 9 months no bs..

And I get this promo, which is basically, pay for snowflakes to get coal 80% of the time, and grind your ass off on all our games nobody plays. I use to be top 100 in showdown, once I did it on all 3 of my names. I am burnt out of showdown I don?t wanna play that crap anymore. It is no fun to me.

I can?t believe this is the xmas promo wtf is this crap I just want to quit. Complete trash compared to last years complete best. What a hit last years was and they do this crap this year? Just unbelievable to me. Score 500...
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Pro 1
go check the archives from nbalive.gg and the early reactions to the xmas promo in season 2 :p if i'm recalling correctly, the general feeling was not different from yours xD

then once they released more content like the fire and ice players and people started opening presents, the mood changed.


Rookie 1
If history shows us, is there is definately more coming. This year they?re a little more communicative and a little more thought out. So I?m hoping the delay in the rest of the promo means they?re trying to make it as best they can. But both S1 & S2 start off with a winter promo that eventually ties in to the larger Xmas promo. Think we just have to hang tight for a few days to see what they?re really planning.


All-Star 1
EA reps have flat out said that this is just the 1st portion of the Holiday promo. Relax ppl, they've been putting out pretty good content. There's absolutely no reason to think that this is the entirety of the promo as that would be mind-blowingly stupid and lazy on their part. There's no $ to be made from stupid and lazy


Rookie 3
Yeah, last year's opening of gift (no matter what's inside) was really exciting. Just like irl as a kid when you are guessing and excited about the present you will open, experienced again through mobile game...haha (not that i am not already receiving gift as an adult). I am hoping also that first week is more just a teaser and they will bring more the following.


All-Star 3
EA reps have flat out said that this is just the 1st portion of the Holiday promo. Relax ppl, they've been putting out pretty good content. There's absolutely no reason to think that this is the entirety of the promo as that would be mind-blowingly stupid and lazy on their part. There's no $ to be made from stupid and lazy

+1 .. come one jonny .. u have been playing this game long enuf to know that a good promo is followed by a bad promo (not that i consider it bad as u can easily get a 86 /90 magic in 3 weeks) .. in addition to that it is obvious there is more content coming up..
i actually thought there was going to be no content this week so a chance of getting 90 magic without much stamina use seems great to me..


Rookie 3
Also, for 500 points requirements, you can play season mode instead and since you can overpower opponents ai, you can score at least 50 point per full game. So that'll be 10 games at most. Still a long grind but faster than playing sd, though you will miss the rep rewards but tou can autoplay if you ate doing other things.
Well I know this so far, I?ve got three 89 accounts and complete every objective and I don?t have a one elite present. So far this xmas has really sucked donkey balls. Very very disappointed. As I said earlier went from last year this being my favorite to this year dog poop worst
Well I know this so far, I?ve got three 89 accounts and complete every objective and I don?t have a one elite present. So far this xmas has really sucked donkey balls. Very very disappointed. As I said earlier went from last year this being my favorite to this year dog poop worst
I agree, they have really monetized and structured all our favorite coin making promos and programs to limit our coins. Impact/totw (can't sell players until they reduce in ovr), legends (can't complete a legend a week like I used to), Winter promo and recent promos (no auctionable gold or elite promo players other than masters, impossible to grind out elite gifts as I have none as well), and all our favorite packs from past seasons are now cash only. This to me is the worst winter promo we've ever had. Looks like I'll only be opening a few silver and ONE gold present this holiday season :| :| :?


Rookie 3
im seeing ths Xmas promo as a mash up of S1 + S2 Xmas'.. (almost what all the content has been thus far this season anyway)

S1 Xmas had 4 TMac clutch players... fingers crossed we start getting something fire like that this promo
(slightly excited... i feel a tingle) :D :D :D


All-Star 3
After the harvest and black Friday promo i can afford to be hopeful..
Im happy with this part of the promo too as of now.. as im just 5 snowballs away from 90 magic and i could almost max out 4 elevate players as the promo didnt require much stamina.
The gifts part of the promo sucks as of now.. but i still think theres something more to it.. willing to be patient for now..
And the midget part of the gameplay starting today looks interesting.. (the dunks in qjb video are actually pretty funny to look at).. though it makes me wonder they can get midgets into the game but cant fix any of the issues in gameplay we have


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