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Showdown Season 3 Discussions - end of the 17th season, start/end of the 18th season, and start of 1


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Sorry guys I just realized that there was no thread for this since the start of the new year so I'll make this 2 days early so you guys can still view the results of the 17th SD season while the traction of these threads has slowed down it is still something that might as well be done so...

Talk about memorable quarters, final results, season ending pulls, your doubts, issues, goals, desires or concerns related to showdown at the start of the 19th season.


All-Star 3
I guess people have slowed down on showdown bcz of the promos and the SD masters are too low ovr for the effort to complete them
I rarely play more than 2 quarters daily now..
Did have an amazing 20-2 autoplay quarter in my alt


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
I guess people have slowed down on showdown bcz of the promos and the SD masters are too low ovr for the effort to complete them
I rarely play more than 2 quarters daily now..
Did have an amazing 20-2 autoplay quarter in my alt

I'm the same way lol it's way more effort to get the stuff needed for a 90+ SD master than it is for a 90+ promo master


All-Star 1
I think they dropped the ball on this. I get Legend every week at least and spend my rep on pennants but I'm still like 50 golds and 20 elites away from 93 Fox. I have plenty of elites I could put into the token set, it's the golds that are hard to come by.

Istopped caring as soon as this promo came out bc I can get a 95 in his place on the bench. Brian said 95 SD are coming out this month but it'll take so long to get there, just working on 1 player that I'll probably have a 97 in that spot by the time I can do it I'm glad Brian was trying to make SD more meaningful but it's like they can't ever seem to get things right.


Rookie 3
Last season, i grind sd hard in my main while promos on my alt. Turned out that i built a better team in my main because weekly you can get a good card just staying on top 1000 (made to top 100 like 5 times) plus reps that can be used in specialist, extra tokens for extra sd players to be sold plus some elites through end of season tier reward. Now, you grind hard and probably you can only get like 2 93s the most for weeks of playing and you'll miss the promo where you can get 2 to 3 masters. Until last week i am getting to legend since they introduced this new rewards but can't complete a 91 version yet. I don't want to spend my reps on sd packs as it seems too costly compared to the effort on gaining them. Appear to me that focus of sd is to acquire jerseys for team boost but i am not interested. This week probably will just play sd for objectives until they improve their rewards.


Rookie 1
Yeah I feel they need to give us some new masters.. I recently finished 93 Zach Lavine.. n it's took me months.. with the new easy grindable 95s it feels too much effort to do another showdown 93.

Guess I'll jus be playing showdown to get to legend each time.. and of course earn valuable rep


Rookie 3
Staff member
It would be smarter to have the SD masters 3-4 OVR higher than all current promo masters... probably increase stamina purchases by a landslide


All-Star 3
It would be smarter to have the SD masters 3-4 OVR higher than all current promo masters... probably increase stamina purchases by a landslide

But the requirements would be even more then..
I think the masters should have been lvl
. And the sd rewards should have been elites like last season.. a 92 top 100 90 top 1000 and so on.. that way atleast we could sell them and make some coin that way .
The promos have been good this season but everything else about the game was better in previous seasons. I've stopped playing SD completely which is a shame because I prefer competitive gameplay over grinding.


Rookie 1
I finished top 1000 as I was 7 elite tokens short for 93 Lavine, I use autoplay for most of my quarters which kinda sucks i hope there will be some improvement in terms of gameplay & rewards by all star promo otherwise I might take a break for the rest of the season.
The main problem with this new format is they want us to spend money, which was the whole reason they found the budget for the man hours needed to change the format. So, unfortunately, this is what we get. People that have no problem spending will have a bench full of 93 masters and soon the 95s, while the grinders get maybe 1-2 of them lol. Which, is fair, I suppose, but this is still a far cry from being able to grind for a tangible reward for that week. Hopefully they find a balance that makes it interesting for f2p but still worth it for p2p. Like, say they had a 95 OVR available for top 1000K this week. It would make some at least consider playing more than just objectives


All-Star 1
Looks like I have to play SD this week
Haha, when I saw the reward I thought of you.

I f'd myself this week by trying to play as little as possible but still make Top 1k. I fell asleep last night around 700 and woke up to 1078 with time expired. Most pissed about the red balls but since I autoplayed my way to Legend for the first time, can't really complain.

For the most part, these rewards suck...better than lvl but still suck.


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Looks like I have to play SD this week
Haha, when I saw the reward I thought of you.

I f'd myself this week by trying to play as little as possible but still make Top 1k. I fell asleep last night around 700 and woke up to 1078 with time expired. Most pissed about the red balls but since I autoplayed my way to Legend for the first time, can't really complain.

For the most part, these rewards suck...better than lvl but still suck.

What tier of jersey did you get
I really need to start playing showdown again, my leaguemate got tons of elite jerseys while I have none lol. I've been too focused on grinding master's .
Finished around 2k for the 4th week in a row. And I only needed like 550k fans.
Hoarding those silver city edition jerseys for future sets.

Courts already here. The ones with fan boost coming soon...


All-Star 1
Looks like I have to play SD this week
Haha, when I saw the reward I thought of you.

I f'd myself this week by trying to play as little as possible but still make Top 1k. I fell asleep last night around 700 and woke up to 1078 with time expired. Most pissed about the red balls but since I autoplayed my way to Legend for the first time, can't really complain.

For the most part, these rewards suck...better than lvl but still suck.

What tier of jersey did you get

I think it was a silver City Edition Memphis jersey but I could be wrong. Pretty sure it?s Elite for Top 100, Gold for for Top 1000 and Silver for Top 2500.


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Haha, when I saw the reward I thought of you.

I f'd myself this week by trying to play as little as possible but still make Top 1k. I fell asleep last night around 700 and woke up to 1078 with time expired. Most pissed about the red balls but since I autoplayed my way to Legend for the first time, can't really complain.

For the most part, these rewards suck...better than lvl but still suck.

What tier of jersey did you get

I think it was a silver City Edition Memphis jersey but I could be wrong. Pretty sure it?s Elite for Top 100, Gold for for Top 1000 and Silver for Top 2500.

Ah that's bullshit I'm not going for top 100 for a measly 8% fan boost I'll go for the top 2500 because 2% is nothing since I barely play SD as it is so top 1k is off the table as well


All-Star 1
What's the point of this week's jersey? It looks neat? I spent like 200k messing around with the silver jersey a store pack & put em into the gold sets. Pulled several elites covering fan, coin, & XP boosts. Why would I need any more unless it's one for my actual team? The prizes are total bullshit. They should be stat boosts by now nit the same 8% fan boost on a different jersey


All-Star 1
The only legit awards were when we could pull a new top player like Kyrie & either better our team or make some coin. This whole jersey thing is a worthless endeavor. I still can't believe we're closing in on 1/2 the season done and we barely have any bench boosts. Still working with single player boosts and the only 3pt boosts are 2 jerseys you can no longer get. Idk what the devs are doing....


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