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Showdown rewards


Rookie 1
Thanks. We will probably need like 10 of the foam fingers for one player. EA makes the players extremely hard to get by adding new stuff like they did last time. I hope they don,t mess it up this time.
I asked the GC Diavolo and he said 50 Foam Fingers and more...he said it will make SD grinders cry


Rookie 1
That's insane....you can/could get a 110 off the AH with little effort (just some time) and like 6M coin.

Max earn is 2/week from SD and if you use the set with the 24hr cool down....say 900k per finger at this point.....so drop what 27M plus weeks of playing to get one guy....

some comparison...
Not gonna be 50 lmao. It's rumored to be 15 each. 15 * 5 = 75 Total for all of them

But i'm not gonna bet even a penny tho 😂 😂

More than 15 will be a d**k move
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Rookie 1
I asked the GC Diavolo and he said 50 Foam Fingers and more...he said it will make SD grinders cry
That's ridiculous. It's almost impossible to get them. I think fifty is too much, EA wouldn,t do that ( I hope). They should be between 10-15.


All-Star 1
That's ridiculous. It's almost impossible to get them. I think fifty is too much, EA wouldn,t do that ( I hope). They should be between 10-15.
10-15 is way too much. If you hit legend in Showdown from now til the end of S3, you'll prob get yourself 8 foam fingers guaranteed. If you don't have a 107 completed by now, you're out of luck unless you wanna spend a ton of coins or raid your bench for plats to out in the FF set


Pro 2
So the rumor is u have to complete ALL 5 sd masters to 107 first.. Then u can do/claim one 110

Well I have all 5 at 107. But if it takes 50 foam fingers to upgrade 1 to 110, no one could do it. I just did the math and I’ve likely spent 1,500 real US dollars playing SD this year. 😬. It ain’t free. And it adds up over 52 weeks. They are treating it like it is free ffs (for f### sake, not foam fingers). I’ll have 30 ff’s and about 500 gold pennants in a couple days. If that doesn’t get at least 1 10 they can kiss my white Irish ass.

I thought las time was the ultimate insult. This is beyond insult. It’s grounds to move on.


Pro 2
Oh course he takes the asshole route once again View attachment 2467

“A week or two.” Really? So if you have all 5 107s you need 50 foam fingers? Or is the 50 foam finger thing a reference what is needed for the 107s? Is it too much to let us know so we can plan? If it’s just finish 5 107s and you get to pick a 110, I can’t wait to use that card for 1 week....or maybe two! 🤦‍♂️ After all, “you are getting a 110.” That SOB - I’m not “getting” a goddamn thing - I earned it!!!!!


Rookie 1
Don't you think it is appropriate that the item in question is a finger?

As in "giving us the f-"

OK I'll stop, it's a dopey joke and I bet it's been made 1M times already.


Rookie 1
This motherf*** always tops himself when u think he can't f up showdown more, rn I have 4 mill rep, 300 gold tokens 10 foam fingers, one master at 107, 3 at 104 and haven't started the 5th all this with 3500 SD wins and it's not enough lol, I need to offer my soul to the devil for a holy 110 lol, I think I'm done with the game.


Pro 2
This motherf*** always tops himself when u think he can't f up showdown more, rn I have 4 mill rep, 300 gold tokens 10 foam fingers, one master at 107, 3 at 104 and haven't started the 5th all this with 3500 SD wins and it's not enough lol, I need to offer my soul to the devil for a holy 110 lol, I think I'm done with the game.
What goes through my mind every time I snipe 15 100s for a damn finger

Wait, wait..... The 110 needs more fingers or you only need 25 in total for all the 107s ????

Cause i've 20 now and i'll need to snipe some 100 ovrs then


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