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Rookie 3
With +11 3pt boost:
Ingles (105) is the best 3pt shot in the game 4 me. Hardly misses, even guarded.
LaVine (106) is great now 2, was buggy the 1st few days, but open, hasn't missed a single 2pt or 3pter


Pro 2
With +11 3pt boost:
Ingles (105) is the best 3pt shot in the game 4 me. Hardly misses, even guarded.
LaVine (106) is great now 2, was buggy the 1st few days, but open, hasn't missed a single 2pt or 3pter

On Lavine - My experience too. He was horrible right after the update, but now can play. I’ve noticed that “phenomenon” with a lot of new cards. MM Bird for example. Recently 104 Beal. Out of the gate was super glitchy. Now he barely misses.

I’m impressed with all of the 104 SD players.


Rookie 3
thats been going on since S1, out of the gate, you go WHYYYY did i get him, and you have 2 wait a few days, and then you get the true player

i also notice that if you use a new player straight away in LvL theyre shite, you need to play at least a few season/SD games for them to "develop"
I think you just need to restart the app. I've had similar issues with SGs and Kawhi. If I put a new card on my team and immediately play then they seem glitchy but a restart usually solves whatever issues that card had. Issues I've had are:
1) The card can't shoot.
2) The card plays way too fast and a mild tap of the Sprint button causes the player to speed past the attacking player on defense.
I always thought it was just me, glad to see I wasn't crazy.


Rookie 1
Scalabrine's AI is total beast. 1st Q of LvL I played against a 105 with him yesterday Scalabrine had all 10 points on 2 3's and 2 second chance rebound put backs putting my Laimbeer and AD to shame.

Maybe I'll have to give Lavine another look he's been hot garbage for me and bricking 3's like he's building a house with them.


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