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Should I Improve my Street Lineup right now or wait a little bit?


Rookie 3
That's a lot of coins to spend this early in the season. Personally, I like this time of the season where you need to build your lineups from scratch, and I like this promo because it gives you plenty of elites. But I've noticed that people with a lot of coins who have already upgraded their lineups aren't getting as much out of this promo. I am not sure why people feel the need to upgrade their lineups so quickly. There is no competitive reason to build a lineup for LvL or even Showdown. Why are people in such a hurry to progress?
I have a problem with impulse control, apparently. And with how terrible the gameplay was, I was buying whatever card might help me finish challenges I was stuck in.

It was far from the smartest thing to do, but if my coins are gone, they're gone. I'm not spending any real cash on this game, at least not until a LOT of things are fixed.

If you were able to hold out and save your coins, you're a smarter player than I am.


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