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Shooting playstyle easily the worst for LvsL

So for months now ive been paying attention to my league, what coaches we use, and keep a spreadsheet on scores. For the majority of the season we mostly used balanced, defensive and street coaches and we went on a 80+ win streak which got us to rank 30. Furthermore our defense was only giving up -8 to -15. With the release of The Magic Dragon and Kerr we have mostly been using the shooting playstyle and weve been getting killed! Our defense now gives up -30 to -40 on a regular basis to opponents at the same ovr (106-107s) without advantages. Also our margins have gone down as the shooting playstyle plays very loose defense and needs a bunch of on ball defense boosts to play tighter defense. There has been a very noticeable shift for the worse when using the shooting playstyle. Scoring is no issue but defense is a huge problem. Ive noticed defensive players tend to sag off more from their defensive assignments, more players are left open for open shots, and the A.i just plays...
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Pro 1
I’ve been playing my best in LvL in weeks with Stuff as a 106. Had no success with other lineup styles though.
I’ve been playing my best in LvL in weeks with Stuff as a 106. Had no success with other lineup styles though.
Interesting our entire league has been struggling since getting to 106 & 107. What score is your A.i giving up though? Against other 106s?


Rookie 1
Interesting our entire league has been struggling since getting to 106 & 107. What score is your A.i giving up though? Against other 106s?
Thats because you met Conquer alliance leagues such as Medved who use Game Guardian to nerf the PG stats to make it easier to steal from, thats why they get +30-40

Yes Curry in a shooting lineup is VERY EASY to steal from at 105, cant imagine how would he play when Conquer leagues nerfed him to 50 OVR
Thats because you met Conquer alliance leagues such as Medved who use Game Guardian to nerf the PG stats to make it easier to steal from, thats why they get +30-40

Yes Curry in a shooting lineup is VERY EASY to steal from at 105, cant imagine how would he play when Conquer leagues nerfed him to 50 OVR
I thought that would have been fixed by now? We've had leagues ranked in the 300s also put up crazy margins on us. I assumed only top 100 leagues used that exploit.


Pro 1
For me as an example the last 6 tournaments I've had -30, -33, -29, -27, -40, & -36.
What rank is your league? I’m in Stewie’s league and we’ve had some tough matchups lately, but my AI never goes less than -20. Also, what’s your lineup?


All-Star 1
There's a bunch of teams that started new mid season with players from Top teams (who league hop) so rank can be deceiving once outside of the Top 200. Lvl is a different experience for me the past week or two since I became a def 106. If I don't go +20 against 106 and below (haven't faced a 107 yet) then it's usually my fault. AI has also been much better in not giving up 20 or more (avg is probably 15 against 106's while 105's and below seem to really struggle against me). I agree with Juke though on shooting lineups...I search them out in lvl like it's my job.


All-Star 1
I felt like I definitely scored better with Sht and defended worse. Opposite once I started using Boomer.

As far as LVL goes, it's weird. We've been meeting teams outside of the top 2000 that are crushing us. We're ranked around #120 with about 8 of us at 106, 10-105s & a couple 104s. I'm getting +25s put up against me & I've got a def lineup using Boomer with Fox, Klay, Kawhi, Porzingis, & Laimbeer. But some of our recent matches have been fishy as hell. I think there are a lot more ppl using GG since it got plastered all over Reddit


All-Star 3
I felt like I definitely scored better with Sht and defended worse. Opposite once I started using Boomer.

As far as LVL goes, it's weird. We've been meeting teams outside of the top 2000 that are crushing us. We're ranked around #120 with about 8 of us at 106, 10-105s & a couple 104s. I'm getting +25s put up against me & I've got a def lineup using Boomer with Fox, Klay, Kawhi, Porzingis, & Laimbeer. But some of our recent matches have been fishy as hell. I think there are a lot more ppl using GG since it got plastered all over Reddit
Similar results.. did notice much worse ai scores with fox at pg though
What rank is your league? I’m in Stewie’s league and we’ve had some tough matchups lately, but my AI never goes less than -20. Also, what’s your lineup?
Were currently ranked 52. I have your typical 106 line up, I got UA Curry, Buzzer beater Beal, Otto Porter, Porzingis and just added finals Magic.
I felt like I definitely scored better with Sht and defended worse. Opposite once I started using Boomer.

As far as LVL goes, it's weird. We've been meeting teams outside of the top 2000 that are crushing us. We're ranked around #120 with about 8 of us at 106, 10-105s & a couple 104s. I'm getting +25s put up against me & I've got a def lineup using Boomer with Fox, Klay, Kawhi, Porzingis, & Laimbeer. But some of our recent matches have been fishy as hell. I think there are a lot more ppl using GG since it got plastered all over Reddit
I agree about scoring better with the shooting lineup but worse defense. Also experiencing the same thing. We had a league in the 3000s with similar lineups that crushed us by over 100points. Im getting way more than -25. Here are 2 examples when playing the same league, couldnt find more examples in our league chat but most recently its been crazy scores against us, the +40 was against our 107..... Weve fallen 16 spots since then.


There's a bunch of teams that started new mid season with players from Top teams (who league hop) so rank can be deceiving once outside of the Top 200. Lvl is a different experience for me the past week or two since I became a def 106. If I don't go +20 against 106 and below (haven't faced a 107 yet) then it's usually my fault. AI has also been much better in not giving up 20 or more (avg is probably 15 against 106's while 105's and below seem to really struggle against me). I agree with Juke though on shooting lineups...I search them out in lvl like it's my job.
As a league we loved having the defensive playstyle. Less points against us and pretty much the same offensive scores with more wins.
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All-Star 1
+40 against a 107 is laughable. Jeez. It's like the guys we played yesterday. Somehow ranked #44 but they only had 1 guy over 105. We were winning until the end & the lone 106 puts up +30 against one of ours & we went down. Was too perfect for it to be coincidence. These guys weren't world beaters


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I've had some of my best margins using shooting but usually came after switching from something else and that goes for all playstyles not just shooting


Rookie 1
39 - 4 with almost same ovr. I don't get it. Is it possible to get this score with only Booker with ability on the lineup + Kemba + Iggy + PF + Malone?

Steve Rogers

Rookie 2
Idk for LvL...but someone beat my team in SD 29-0 so i have no word,as SD is probably the only place that they cant cheat(at least i think so)...some players can make huge diference in pts but not on daily basis,its hard every time going 30+...in most cases when there are 35+ ptd its probably GG..


Rookie 1
The A.I. we faced in my league yesterday was a straighg beast for real. Beat me by a point both turns..personally i prefer shooting style altho the defense does play looser. I have found that it doesnt matter much when you consistently put up 20+ every turn lol


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