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Shooting playstyle easily the worst for LvsL

We regularly checked the scores and sad to say their scores were very questionable on their last turns.
Something fishy is going on. On the regular we've been getting killed with -30 to -40 margins and fell from top 30 to top 80. It's been loss after loss. When an entire league scores +36 to 40 I refuse to believe it was legit scores. Usually someone has a bad day. Someone even scored 47-0 with both quarters which is just ridiculous!


Rookie 1
Something fishy is going on. On the regular we've been getting killed with -30 to -40 margins and fell from top 30 to top 80. It's been loss after loss. When an entire league scores +36 to 40 I refuse to believe it was legit scores. Usually someone has a bad day. Someone even scored 47-0 with both quarters which is just ridiculous!
I guess we all know how this game being played since season 1. I'm just quite serious about scoring 20+ per turns on a single LvL match. I mean more than 4 with 20+.
I guess we all know how this game being played since season 1. I'm just quite serious about scoring 20+ per turns on a single LvL match. I mean more than 4 with 20+.
there was a cheat floating around where they can change their players stats & ovr to 110 and reduce your players stats to 22. I thought EA had fixed it but I'm suspecting they haven't.


Rookie 1
Something fishy is going on. On the regular we've been getting killed with -30 to -40 margins and fell from top 30 to top 80. It's been loss after loss. When an entire league scores +36 to 40 I refuse to believe it was legit scores. Usually someone has a bad day. Someone even scored 47-0 with both quarters which is just ridiculous!

There's no way that's not a cheat


All-Star 1
Had a few close tourneys recently where the last player posts +35 to win by 10 or so. I know it’s definitely possible just seems a little too coincidental for my liking. Especially when the whole team is 20 or less.


Rookie 1
5 accnts all using shooting stuff, seems fine to me. but it does seem a little easier to play vs shooting coach as suppose to vs (balance or def) but the difference is so little for me. but the fact remains the same that there is a difference lol.
5 accnts all using shooting stuff, seems fine to me. but it does seem a little easier to play vs shooting coach as suppose to vs (balance or def) but the difference is so little for me. but the fact remains the same that there is a difference lol.
I find it way easier playing against shooting lineups than I do the other 3. I get more steals and blocks for some reason. When I'm playing with a shooting play style I find it tougher getting steals as my defenders sag off their assignments.
I just went 38-3 against a balanced lineup so there’s that...I’m defensive (my 107 against his 106).
Defensive is my favourite play style. More steals and contested shots on defense and from what I can tell great offense too. I'm currently trying to switch my team from shooting back to defensive but will need 104 AD and 2 more 105s to keep my ovr where it is and get full boosts.


All-Star 1
One qyarter or 2
Lol...really?! While technically not impossible, highly unlikely for a single quarter. This was for 2 against same opponent. I agree with the comment that putting together 2 strong quarters is rare. I had 21-0 and 17-3 if I remember correctly.


All-Star 3
Lol...really?! While technically not impossible, highly unlikely for a single quarter. This was for 2 against same opponent. I agree with the comment that putting together 2 strong quarters is rare. I had 21-0 and 17-3 if I remember correctly.
Was wondering.. lol.. nice work..
Even by some miracle if I score that much, I rarely can keep them to a zero.. irrespective of ovr...


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