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Season 5 updates


Pro 2
anyone exactly what time the putting cards in the AH will stop? trying to put all my cards in right before its on hold to get the max hours i can to see if i get anything


Rookie 2
CM said the following today:

1) No more trade up sets
2) Superstars going to 115 on 1/7 (or 1/8?)
3) Quicksell values of prior players will be adjusted in s5 to level coins
4) credits will be discussed on Thurs (cap, value etc)
5) something special coming last few days of s4

I may have missed some stuff but this is what I recall from stream.

Edit: Some recruits that were accidentally removed will be returning on 7th (or 8th). Some will still be gone though.
I hope something special doesn't require coins. As I have used it up already. Hopefully some 115 cards. Or some support to this ugly promo


Pro 2
when does the AH for setting up cards end? in 7 hours? or by the end of tomorrow? im sitting on so many cards and i wanna make sure i put them up for sale right before the close it


Rookie 1
Not until Tuesday
It was supposed to be yesterday but Nick apparently messed up the schedule. Typical EA. Information like that was pertinent yesterday before the ah got limited to have a better idea what to do with our hard earned coins whether saving them for s5 credits was worth while or just another disappointing bogus reward scam as seen in seasons past.


Rookie 2
It was supposed to be yesterday but Nick apparently messed up the schedule. Typical EA. Information like that was pertinent yesterday before the ah got limited to have a better idea what to do with our hard earned coins whether saving them for s5 credits was worth while or just another disappointing bogus reward scam as seen in seasons past.
It has always been bogus. But we just never learn.


Rookie 1
I would like to know what is happening with Seasons and our year round lineups can someone please tell me?

Can someone please tell me what is happening to seasons?

Last edited:


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
I would like to know what is happening with Seasons and our year round lineups can someone please tell me?

Can someone please tell me what is happening to seasons?

I merged your 3 posts that is spam to keep spamming the same thing and DMing people the same stuff you already asked in a thread just let people get to your question and maybe someone will get to it just be patient but I answered your DM


Rookie 1
I merged your 3 posts that is spam to keep spamming the same thing and DMing people the same stuff you already asked in a thread just let people get to your question and maybe someone will get to it just be patient but I answered your DM
Thank you I will quit spamming.


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