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Season 4 Complaint/Suggestion Thread

Santoz pg

Rookie 1
Yeah I happened to league hop to a 98 position league those boiz are cheating, I didn't even last 3min in there when I asked the admin how he scored 47 points different he quickly removed me, I wish I never said a word, maybe by now I could have known some tricks too.


Pro 2
What the heck. With live pass and the Warriors event we can now have 4 balanced +3 speed Courts. These guys can’t be paying attention.


All-Star 1
What the heck. With live pass and the Warriors event we can now have 4 balanced +3 speed Courts. These guys can’t be paying attention.
Hahaha, that's the first thing I noticed. The whole Warriors program is junk. Unbelievable when it costs so much, that you don't wind up with anything better than what's out there. Classic EA


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Hahaha, that's the first thing I noticed. The whole Warriors program is junk. Unbelievable when it costs so much, that you don't wind up with anything better than what's out there. Classic EA
Take a guess who this is he's trying to take credit for a Warriors promo when it's nothing like his wish lmfao

Santoz pg

Rookie 1
1 week for Curry or Thompson, where did Ea get that idea, it doesn't even look like it matters anyway, it's better to leave that event alone


All-Star 1
which is better:
in the paint or a 2/3 buzzer beater
Depends. ITP on Superstar Shaq is nice bc it's immediately ready to activate. BB is a good ability but half of the time it's broken and if it's not on a PG you won't get the full benefit from it


Pro 1
EA just increased difficulty and gameplay is absolute crap again.

SD is out for at least a week for me. I'm contemplating selling my whole team again. I hate when they do this 😞


Pro 2
any news on certain collectibles that we/i have, if the sets are permanently gone or rotating back around?
ex: superstar/shaq styles, (shq) styles choice, (shaq) styles chance, (elite) legendary player (token), dunk token, any comic related cards


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
usually the game resets in oct/nov ?
The next NBA season starts around Christmas based on Silver saying the start of December feels too early so this game will almost certainly do its usual and reset when the new NBA season starts


Pro 2
Speaking of gameplay ... lol. It’s become evident that the ai’s offense bears no relationship to how it plays. All ovr‘s ai plays exactly the same. If I’m a 109 playing a 103, that 103’s offense will be identical to a 109. Basically they have removed ovr or quality of players as having anything to do with playing defense. I’ve watched for the last year as they whittled away at our ability to play defense (blocks, contested forced misses, rebounds...) and now we are at a point where they’ve finally done it - jacked up the ai and made it fungible. The “reverse ovr advantage” is gone. Now every opponent plays like the highest rated lineup possible.

I don‘t think they will ever be able to undo this stuff. And this stuff is they’ve dumbed down the coding so far that advantages don’t even exist.


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