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Same overall in LvL but AI gets both possession start?


Rookie 1
Just played League vs League, matched someone with the same overall as me and i Played the same line up twice but both games the AI has the possession first. With jumpball being disabled how is that fair? how does EA calculate who gets the ball first or is this simply just based on LUCK? what the actual F :( lol


NBA Legend
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Community Chief
The home team gets the ball first when the overall is tied from the little that I've payed attention to it so that could be wrong since I don't pay too much attention to it


Rookie 1
I once played with 1Q AI possession and 2Q my possession first. I did not change my lineup at all

Also, idk if this is happening to others. I have been missing a lot of dunks and layups lately ( with players 85+ dunk rating )
When you play someone with the same ovr your opponents A.i starts with ball and from his end your teams A.I starts with ball or vice versa. I believe that's how they've balanced it out but I could be wrong.


Pro 1
I read that there was an issue with jumpballs with elves vs elves so they adjusted all jumpballs temporarily while the NP promo is still running. - being random for now.


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