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Running of the Bulls Promo


NBA Legend
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Community Chief

While Spain hosts their annual Running of the Bulls, we are reminded of our own Bulls and their history of over 50 years.

Collect Red Bandanas to play the daily events. Earn packs with a chance of 100+ OVR Chicago Bulls player like 106 OVR Bill Cartwright or 107 OVR Derrick Rose.

Run with us today in the Running of the Bulls campaign!

Campaign Dates
Live Date: July 9, 2019 at 7:00 AM EST

End Date: July 14, 2019 at 7:00 AM EST


Campaign Map
  1. Each day, a new live event is available for you to play - themed after actual legs of the Running of the Bulls! Gain Matador Points by completing that live event as many times as you can to unlock rewards. Each event is only available for one day, so be sure to check back each day of the program!
  2. There are two types of currency to earn: Red Bandanas and Matador Points. Each one...
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NBA Legend
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Community Chief
Turns out they made Rose 2010 yet have him a 2011 picture they always lost cards with the year from the back half of the season they represent so based on the cards it's from 2009-10 yet got a MVP year picture

Also they made Phil an elite item smfh


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
And wtf is this about no sets to build specific players you only get a BoB pack smfh


Rookie 3
i reckon this is a test for S4.. that yes, we get to keep coins etc, but this illustrates how S4 specific stamina, coins etc will be utalised
my 2cs anyway


Pro 2
If I’m reading this literally, and assuming it’s written correctly, you can complete all milestones and not be guaranteed the 105, 106, & 107. This makes no sense. I hope they just wrote it up poorly.


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
If I’m reading this literally, and assuming it’s written correctly, you can complete all milestones and not be guaranteed the 105, 106, & 107. This makes no sense. I hope they just wrote it up poorly.
It's looking like BS that EA did on purpose


Pro 2
Total f###ing bullshit. Worst promo idea versus amount of hype yet. Who who who at ea thinks a complete dumb luck crapshoot is the way to structure a promo. Save your time. Play the ah.
Total f###ing bullshit. Worst promo idea versus amount of hype yet. Who who who at ea thinks a complete dumb luck crapshoot is the way to structure a promo. Save your time. Play the ah.
I agree all that hype and not only is it based on luck, the coach gives -4 total boosts and 1 less reward boost than the coaches we already have, while the court remains at +5 boost like the court's we already have. At least they made it easy to chose not to grind it lol.


NBA Legend
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Community Chief
I agree all that hype and not only is it based on luck, the coach gives -4 total boosts and 1 less reward boost than the coaches we already have, while the court remains at +5 boost like the court's we already have. At least they made it easy to chose not to grind it lol.
The court and jersey switched from what we have at the boost curve the court is +3 3pt and the jersey is +5 OREB instead of the other way around to match the curve


Pro 2
If your lucky and complete all the milestones you might end up with 3 103 Pippen and 4 100 Kukoc. What a deal!


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Not sure why people are surprised. This is just a glorified side-promo like all of the other ones this season.
It wasn't billed as such that's the problem I knew the "no stamina" meant it would have a drawback just didn't expect this


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