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Rookies Promo (NBA Awards copy & paste)


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Ayton will be the PG13 of this promo while Zion will be the Harden and Iverson will be the Giannis but instead of getting the cards without abilities and getting tokens to add them along with a +3 team boost it will be just the +3 team boosts instead



All-Star 1
Wow, they better be working on some hot shit for S4 if they're mailing it in this hard. Still interested to see what else is coming tomorrow. Thought these 110s were interesting..



Rookie 3
That Iverson card looks good! Glad I sold Ghost AI a week ago, when I could still make a profit on him.

Probably my favourite player ever


All-Star 3
Nothing much. Only +5 boosts to 2 stats. They really have been going backwards when it comes to coaches boosts. How the hell did we get from +7 boosts to +5 boosts.
I didn't mean that . .
Awards we got those boost items..
1. Coaches don't give promo boost
2. Bought 2 coaches. Didnt get anything


Rookie 1
Anyone think buying Luka for 5m from the AH is worth? Might be able to sell him + iverson at the end for a profit?


All-Star 3
Anyone think buying Luka for 5m from the AH is worth? Might be able to sell him + iverson at the end for a profit?
Depends on how much u grind.. the benefit of luka would be to get the cards faster and sell them earlier.. if u dont grind much then, ull lose money on luka and the cards..
I grinded the elevate players because I thought it would be the perfect opportunity to get my evolution lineup to 106. Unfortunately cannot put Edwards into that lineup. Do any of the other players work in that lineup? Does anyone know any SF or C I can access for that lineup? I have 108 Erving MM / 100 Bird MM at SF and 107 Embiid MM / 101 Erving MM at C.


All-Star 1
I grinded the elevate players because I thought it would be the perfect opportunity to get my evolution lineup to 106. Unfortunately cannot put Edwards into that lineup. Do any of the other players work in that lineup? Does anyone know any SF or C I can access for that lineup? I have 108 Erving MM / 100 Bird MM at SF and 107 Embiid MM / 101 Erving MM at C.
You can get Elevate Covington and Whiteside from the sets & then max them out. They'll go to 104 OVR. It's the 1st Elevate set in Daily Beats tab. It lets you trade 3Elite tokens for a pick of any of the 70 OVR elevate players


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