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Road to MVP campaign coming Thursday, Offseason Movers next week


Pro 1
I have to say that the Fast Break Blitz pack is looking like one of the best deals in this game since I started playing (Mar/18).

Unlike many packs EA puts up for sale, this actually delivers to the expectations it creates by speeding up the objective while getting rid of a painful (for some at least) grind.
And at a reasonable price. A price that actually made me think that, at this stage of my game-play, spending 2,5 euros every week or so is reasonable spending in my book, if more deals like this show up.

For comparison: before this promo I think my spending was under 10 euros this season so far (maybe still is) and last season I think I spent less than 30 euros.

This is likely to be my new standard while evaluating any future purchase. Please don't let me down EA :)


Pro 1
And the objective also felt like a pretty good deal.

A 80 ovr Harden but... look at his stats: 90 agl, 89 mid-range, 78 3pt that works very nicely at this point. It's a card on the same level as impossible-to-get-without-$$$ 83 ovr Durant.
Don?t get your hopes up about future pack prices. I don?t believe that EA want to sell packs at this price even if they sell well. The pack price was a deliberate move to appease some of the early season complaints.


Rookie 1
Worst part of the events is the blatant AI rigging (e.g. Goran Dragic waiting 5-7 seconds to shoot an uncontested layup in a tie game with a few seconds left.

Does anyone know if A: previous showdown packs bought count? or B: Do the rookie ones count as well?


Pro 1
Worst part of the events is the blatant AI rigging (e.g. Goran Dragic waiting 5-7 seconds to shoot an uncontested layup in a tie game with a few seconds left.

Does anyone know if A: previous showdown packs bought count? or B: Do the rookie ones count as well?

that's smart AI :p

And I think not, previously bought packs don't count to unlock the event and it's only showdown packs.

The event should have had a counter saying '3/5 rep packs acquired' for example - at least I didn't see it and it would have been helpful.


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
I completed Harden the old fashioned way -- 250k of rep and 100 tokens from the live event. Took me 5 days.

I think that would be the new fashioned way because spending money is older then spending rep lol but damn 5 days is a long time


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
I would like to add that the part 2 of the Harden campaign will come out when the Rookie campaign ends so in a day and a half
I completed Harden the old fashioned way -- 250k of rep and 100 tokens from the live event. Took me 5 days.

I think that would be the new fashioned way because spending money is older then spending rep lol but damn 5 days is a long time

I had to start from scratch because I had been using rep to open coach packs. I guess the first evening was spent on the campaign live events and then it was really three days of grinding Showdown and another day of grinding the live event. I thought it was pretty reasonable considering it was free and I completed it in under a week.


All-Star 1
I completed Harden the old fashioned way -- 250k of rep and 100 tokens from the live event. Took me 5 days.

I think that would be the new fashioned way because spending money is older then spending rep lol but damn 5 days is a long time

I had to start from scratch because I had been using rep to open coach packs. I guess the first evening was spent on the campaign live events and then it was really three days of grinding Showdown and another day of grinding the live event. I thought it was pretty reasonable considering it was free and I completed it in under a week.
We need more campaigns like this. Extremely fair to both P2W and F2P players.


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
I would like to add that the part 2 of the Harden campaign will come out when the Rookie campaign ends so in a day and a half

Brian said it's dropping in a few weeks.

Yeah they changed their minds it was supposed to come out in about 10 hours as evidence from the ilogics HD video where the timer in the beta version matched the timer on KD sucks that they changed their minds



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