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Rep packs in store last chance to spend rep?


All-Star 1
So I?ve already completed the Pantheon set that uses tokens from the rep pack. Should I buy more packs even though I don?t need the tokens? I thought I read somewhere that an EA rep said be sure to buy them on Wednesdays but I wasn?t sure if that was because you can only get the tokens on Wednesdays or if it?s the only way to spend rep for the rest of the season? Thoughts?


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
It looks to be the last way to spend rep but having already done the set there is no use for the tokens so no harm in waiting for something else


Rookie 3
From the tweet Brian sent me, It was in relation 2 carry over items 2 s3, and said make sure to use up rep in the Wednesday packs..

They are making pantheon "easier" to attain..
Will they add a token exchange? Maybe..

I think we are done for the year, maybe a small surprise here or there, but personally don't see anything "new" coming forth..
I?ve already completed the Peja Pantheon set, but I'm buying more packs in case they let us use the tokens as training points the last few days.


All-Star 1
Thanks guys. I was thinking there might be some kind of token exchange the last week or two so I was going to buy the packs. I could hedge my bet though and only spend half my current rep in case something else gets introduced between now and season end. I was thinking there would likely be one more week of this rep pack either way.


All-Star 1
From the tweet Brian sent me, It was in relation 2 carry over items 2 s3, and said make sure to use up rep in the Wednesday packs..

They are making pantheon "easier" to attain..
Will they add a token exchange? Maybe..

I think we are done for the year, maybe a small surprise here or there, but personally don't see anything "new" coming forth..

Sorry, I don?t use Twitter so is there any chance you could ask this Brian about League tokens?! I think it?s BS that it?s the only set you actually can?t complete from scratch since the promo began. It?d be one thing if there wasn?t any use for tokens (like rep) but they gave us 4 sets to use them all season long so why would you hoard them?!


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