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Question about rules in your league


Rookie 1
How do you usually play two quarters in your league, with the same opponent or with two different opponents? Do you have a rule for that in your league? Any pros/cons?


Rookie 3
1. play everyday, if you cant you let us now b4 hand, or are suspended till you let us know why you couldn't
2. 2nd time you dont play youre out
3. play both qtrs against same opponent
4. u write qtr results, and +/-
1) Must play all quarters when in the tournament and if someone can't play they have to be asked to be benched.
2) Miss 3 tournaments and you're out.
3) Play both quarters against the same opponent with a similar ovr, and report your scores & margins in league chat which we put in a spreadsheet to get members weekly (7day) averages.

I haven't found any cons with setting rules. As far a pros, it's easier to keep tabs on accurate scores, find out who is the weak link, and see if they will improve. Plus it keeps us in the top 100.


Rookie 3
Just promoted to a commissioner when the original one became busy in real world. Our only rule is just to play their quarters daily. I am lenient though in kicking out members but when we lose once or 2 in a row, it will be purge time. We are at top 500 (closing to top 400) and i understand that higher ranking leagues are more strict on their policies. Some members though are constantly reporting their quarter status and margins in our league chat so they may be came from league with that rule. What annoys me also are some members for quite some time leaving the league when probably they received invitation from other league. I mean, cmon man be loyal at least in the game...haha. But anyway, can't blame them if they have their reason. My alt account is playing on another league when it got invitation from league with same tounge.


All-Star 1
I have no idea how the league I'm in stays in the Top 50-75. I mean we get absolutely destroyed by Top 30 teams. I'm only an admin since I gave up on my league to join my current one in s2. The reason I say this is because we don't kick anyone out even if they're terrible. I know I'm at least guilty of benching a guy here or there and then blaming it on the system cutting ! Haha


Rookie 1
No restriction on playing the same opponent in our league, but we try to get people to play against similar ovr opponent, based on the ovr spread between the two leagues. It probably doesn't really matter anyway, since they assign a random difficulty to each quarter. A 93 can play against a 90 and score +13 in the first quarter and then get bamboozled by crazy AI with a -1 in the second.


Rookie 2
Play both qtrs, tell us ahead if you need to be taken out. If you miss once in a blue you get benched, if you missed a number of times you get kicked. Lately we have hit 30/30 or 32/32 qtrs 6 out of 7 days a week, pretty solid!


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