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All-Star 1
Well, this is good news for a 110 Master but in a stamina starved environment such as we have right now, I think I'll settle for the GOTW and GOTN event at least until this promo is over. :rolleyes:


Pro 2
I’m confused. I didn’t get that. The Portland v LAL GOTW was yesterday’s. Is it possible you didn’t play it yesterday? Anyway the one that give a gold and an elite isn’t in my daily beats. Lovely.


Rookie 3
It lets me play both are you referring back to one really not getting you what you want like the other?


Rookie 1
I have two GoTY tokens already,
need one more to pick one of 107 GoTY cards.
Sure with play this 2 event can claim one 107 GoTY cards on this week.
Great but we need free 150 stamina back actually.


All-Star 3
I’m confused. I didn’t get that. The Portland v LAL GOTW was yesterday’s. Is it possible you didn’t play it yesterday? Anyway the one that give a gold and an elite isn’t in my daily beats. Lovely.
ya i didnt play the gotw ... thats why it still shows the first win bonus.
when u click on daily beats.. the gotw is the icon. so people wont notice and play the event.
you have to swipe right and then play
thats why yesterday the gotd event had a 48 hr timer instead of the 24 hr timer


All-Star 3
I have two GoTY tokens already,
need one more to pick one of 107 GoTY cards.
Sure with play this 2 event can claim one 107 GoTY cards on this week.
Great but we need free 150 stamina back actually.
u can play the gotw event only once a week. and the gotd event 6 days. nothing has changed. they just split it to confuse players and make them waste stamina


All-Star 3
Well, this is good news for a 110 Master but in a stamina starved environment such as we have right now, I think I'll settle for the GOTW and GOTN event at least until this promo is over. :rolleyes:
ya i stopped playing.. just play the gotw event once a week to finish the gotw set one more time


All-Star 1
ya i stopped playing.. just play the gotw event once a week to finish the gotw set one more time
I was so stamina starved that I hadn't checked daily events before I saw your post. I guess we get the advantage of delaying the Thursday GOTN/GOTW event with this change but that's greatly outweighed by the possible 50 stamina waste. Only other possible benefit is they offer the GOTN event on Thursdays as well so we pick up one extra GOTN token per week. Ayway, not the big boon for the 110 Master that I originaly thought.... 😞
They did it for those who can't play/miss the Thursday event, so they have the whole week to play it now.

But it's now confusing for the rest who play it daily


Rookie 3
If you do 7 of the game of the night tokens and claimed the 99 player don't you get a free game of the week token every seven?


All-Star 1
If you do 7 of the game of the night tokens and claimed the 99 player don't you get a free game of the week token every seven?
You get a free token for completing the 99 set as well as from the weekly objectives. Plus an additional GOTW token from the Thursday event so 3 a week is possible no cash spent.


Rookie 3
You get a free token for completing the 99 set as well as from the weekly objectives. Plus an additional GOTW token from the Thursday event so 3 a week is possible no cash spent.
Is that event only show up on Thursdays? Maybe I'm missing something? Also where do you put in the 99 set to complete it I have quite a few


Rookie 1
I noticed this 2nd (new) event, scrolled to it, tried to play and it crashed at arena loading screen.. -50 stamina for me.


All-Star 1
Is that event only show up on Thursdays? Maybe I'm missing something? Also where do you put in the 99 set to complete it I have quite a few
It used to only be Thursdays with a 24 hr timer but now it has a one week timer.

99 set is under Daily Beats tab in sets. It’s the first set that uses GOTW tokens.



Rookie 3
It used to only be Thursdays with a 24 hr timer but now it has a one week timer.

99 set is under Daily Beats tab in sets. It’s the first set that uses GOTW tokens.

View attachment 1772
Got it I misunderstood what you said, how do you get from the daily objectives the additional token? I complete those every day I've never received one or maybe I'm not paying attention to


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