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Price Caps Increased


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
After this entire time of having every card under 4.5 mil apparently the new cap is over mil since I've seen cards as high as 6.063 mil hell the cap may even be higher but if you see something above 6.1 mil feel free to share so we get an accurate depiction of the new cap but I honestly think EA wants people to dwindle their coins before we can take them over because a 35% increase in the cap max is a lot


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Sorry I was writing this thread before I checked Reddit and saw the AD for 6.063 mil and I forgot to take out the "if you see anything above 5.2" part I meant to change that to 6.1 like I did with the other points I mentioned price so I'm just looking for stuff over 6.1

I also saw a 110 Magic for a little less than the 109 AD on my AH so not only is that my first time seeing or hearing about Magic on the AH it follows the theme of under 6.1


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