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PM’s sitting in outbox


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Yes it does but it would tell you if your inbox is full the max is 100 right now I can however change it if it ever becomes an issue


All-Star 1
Yes it does but it would tell you if your inbox is full the max is 100 right now I can however change it if it ever becomes an issue

Yeah, I?m sitting on 32 so that doesn?t appear to be the issue?!

Edit: looks like it finally sent about 2-3 hrs later.


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Yes it does but it would tell you if your inbox is full the max is 100 right now I can however change it if it ever becomes an issue

Yeah, I?m sitting on 32 so that doesn?t appear to be the issue?!

Edit: looks like it finally sent about 2-3 hrs later.

Yeah this is the first I heard of that happening but little stuff like that should not happen when the site is moved to a new board but it's not cheap to do all that so it takes some time to get it going


Rookie 3
Staff member
Yes it does but it would tell you if your inbox is full the max is 100 right now I can however change it if it ever becomes an issue

Yeah, I?m sitting on 32 so that doesn?t appear to be the issue?!

Edit: looks like it finally sent about 2-3 hrs later.

Yeah this is the first I heard of that happening but little stuff like that should not happen when the site is moved to a new board but it's not cheap to do all that so it takes some time to get it going

What Stewie said :)


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