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Offseason Movers LeBron and Shaq


Pro 1
Promo is looking better than Rookies already.

Still need to buy set items with coins, but it's 5 Moving Boxes for 10k coins and it only takes 1 Moving Box for a 75+ gold, so you could make a good profit off that.

Need 15 Moving Boxes and 25 gold mover players for an 81+ elite. That's about 80k coins.

Not to mention the elites have ridiculous stats
Promo is looking better than Rookies already.

Still need to buy set items with coins, but it's 5 Moving Boxes for 10k coins and it only takes 1 Moving Box for a 75+ gold, so you could make a good profit off that.

Need 15 Moving Boxes and 25 gold mover players for an 81+ elite. That's about 80k coins.

25 Gold 75+ mover players, not just gold. If the 75s are going at 22-25k then I get over 400k coins
haha, yes buying them to put in the set is clearly bad. My point was if you sell the 25 75+ golds required for the elite set you can make 380k+

Looks like the only way to make 1 75+gold mover is from 12 silver movers.

I did see an elite mover Carmelo on the AH, two actually. One for 387k other 378k....


Rookie 1
Question, how do we get Master Lebron token? I saw one there's chance at Blitz pack (which I believe drop rate is incredibly low) and I saw one that you can buy with reps? Are those the only way?

Seeing a couple of the 81 mover elites actually selling for over 200K....I just don't know, the regular 80 elites are so much lower than that now lol


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Question, how do we get Master Lebron token? I saw one there's chance at Blitz pack (which I believe drop rate is incredibly low) and I saw one that you can buy with reps? Are those the only way?


You have to buy the 25k rep pack


Rookie 1
haha, yes buying them to put in the set is clearly bad. My point was if you sell the 25 75+ golds required for the elite set you can make 380k+

Looks like the only way to make 1 75+gold mover is from 12 silver movers.

I did see an elite mover Carmelo on the AH, two actually. One for 387k other 378k....
Ooh ok, I gotcha. :lol: Yeah, we'll have to see how much the elite movers end up going for but it may indeed be better to just sell the golds.
Question, how do we get Master Lebron token? I saw one there's chance at Blitz pack (which I believe drop rate is incredibly low) and I saw one that you can buy with reps? Are those the only way?

Go to Sets, there's one named "Masters Set Items." 10 silver mover players for 2 Master tokens. I'm not sure if it's random which ones you get but the first and only time I did it, I got 1 Lebron and 1 Shaq.


Rookie 1
Question, how do we get Master Lebron token? I saw one there's chance at Blitz pack (which I believe drop rate is incredibly low) and I saw one that you can buy with reps? Are those the only way?


You have to buy the 25k rep pack

Go to Sets, there's one named "Masters Set Items." 10 silver mover players for 2 Master tokens. I'm not sure if it's random which ones you get but the first and only time I did it, I got 1 Lebron and 1 Shaq.

Thank you my good sirs! Definitely can't complain about that lol


Rookie 1
I like this promo so far.

As said above, Master Set Items for Lebron and Shaq are for 25,000 rep in the store or 10 silver offseason players in the sets. I rather do the 25,000 rep as I think we're gonna need to plough in all the silvers we get for the gold players tbh.


Pro 1
I notice a lot of improvement from the AI

I can?t beat the Rockets with Nash. On my 6th try i managed to get a 107-106 lead with 1,2 seconds to go, only to see Chris Paul hit a full-court shot and win the game :( motherf... %#@#


All-Star 3
I notice a lot of improvement from the AI

I can?t beat the Rockets with Nash. On my 6th try i managed to get a 107-106 lead with 1,2 seconds to go, only to see Chris Paul hit a full-court shot and win the game :( motherf... %#@#

Ya that's a tough challenge..

Side note:.. there is no showdown bonus right now,is there??
I notice a lot of improvement from the AI

I can?t beat the Rockets with Nash. On my 6th try i managed to get a 107-106 lead with 1,2 seconds to go, only to see Chris Paul hit a full-court shot and win the game :( motherf... %#@#

AI is definitely on roids for some of these lol. Getting a layup for Holmes was fun too because old Embiid guarded him like his life depended on it
I notice a lot of improvement from the AI

I can?t beat the Rockets with Nash. On my 6th try i managed to get a 107-106 lead with 1,2 seconds to go, only to see Chris Paul hit a full-court shot and win the game :( motherf... %#@#

Ya that's a tough challenge..

Side note:.. there is no showdown bonus right now,is there??

I surprisingly won a showdown and no, there was no bonus :( it sucked but it was manageable to lose 7 matches in a row and maybe win 2-3 out of 4. Lose 14k fans but that bonus easily made up for it
Also, how awesome would this campaign have been as the first one instead of the rookies (which we will never speak of again lol)

Edit: I still think this ones much better than the rookie so far, but I may have gotten more excited about this than I should have been. When said and done it does look like you can grind out an elite over the course of the campaign, true to what was reported via Asros earlier this week.


Rookie 1
AI is definitely on roids for some of these lol. Getting a layup for Holmes was fun too because old Embiid guarded him like his life depended on it

Yep this challenge was ridiculous. Took me multiple attempts and with no FC my stamina got smashed... :D


Rookie 1
I finally was able to Dunk on Embiid even after he literally defended Holmes like he's about to get demoted to D-League. I believe even if you brick your jumpshot, if you can switch player(manual switch) quickly enough you can grab rebound and most likely you will get "contact shot" (at least that's how I made it after using 220 x 2)

My question is, it seems like "All Stars" or each Live Event with new promo can purchased after beating the level. I saw the Warriors level and I had red check mark before, but now it's gone.. Does it mean I have to collect individual different gold off season mover?



Rookie 1
My question is, it seems like "All Stars" or each Live Event with new promo can purchased after beating the level. I saw the Warriors level and I had red check mark before, but now it's gone.. Does it mean I have to collect individual different gold off season mover?


I don't think so. I have a green tick in that box with 7 offseason golds including 76 Lebron, but only 4 different players because of duplicates. (if that's what you mean?)


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