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No new promo


Pro 1
Well, i have a bunch of stamina and nothing to spend it on besides Elevate and SD.

Is it confirmed no new campaign for today?


Rookie 3
So Barry who is a mod on Reddit said this

I made a post yesterday talking about how there will be a promo guide yesterday but due to some reasons, the promo has been delayed. It has been delayed because of the continuous back to back promos we had which were both very long (~2 weeks). The next promo will be released sometime soon (around this week) but it has been postponed to allow some gap time so that you can relax or concentrate on the other aspects of the game (season, showdown, leagues, auction house purchase, playing friends etc). We have did this before in previous seasons where we give a short break between promos and this is nothing new. But I will keep you updated if I receive any new information.
Thanks, Barry


NBA Legend
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Community Chief
Considering there has been a promo running every single day since at least mid-November I welcome a break and so should everyone else


Rookie 1
We have nothing to grind except Embiid, it was so boring right now. Literally no reason to play the game at the moment.


Rookie 1
The main issue I see is how to spend 500 stamina to get the daily goals. Seasons cost 20 per game and take a long time. Showdown costs 20 per game and you'd need to play 25 games per day, which is also a large time drain. I personally don't have elevate players, so I don't really grind that. Not sure what to do to hit that goal?


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Stewie309 Stewie309 no finals mvp card this time ?
My guess I came up with was it would come during the NBA Awards promo which is why all the gifts have a Larry O'Brien trophy on them and aren't able to be used until 2 weeks after the Finals promo ended


Rookie 1
Considering there has been a promo running every single day since at least mid-November I welcome a break and so should everyone else

I couldn't agree more....playing the season from Day 1, "a vacation" even if a short one is welcome. Addiction and flat burnout are all too real.


Rookie 1
Well, i have a bunch of stamina and nothing to spend it on besides Elevate and SD.

Is it confirmed no new campaign for today?
I usually save up 1k stamina right before a new promo, I ended the finals promo early so I could get a head start and now I have nothing to use it on.


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
It's been almost 2 hours since the details were supposed to be posted hopefully the hold up is them finally proofreading it so that they don't mention something they won't actually do like with the Finals jerseys or fake stats like the last couple promos


Rookie 1
My guess is that it'll be something pay to play or short that doesn't require a guide. I remember last year they had a few sets where you could trade in players to get a draft player from a certain year... you had a 1/3 shot at getting the highest overall. I got the highest rose from the set last year and the rare classic lineup lebron in a pack. They had like a 3 or 4 day mini promo where it was just sets and packs so maybe that'll be what they're doing again. It was pretty cool then. I'm fine with a break bc we have been in overkill since harvest.


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