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New Jumpball Technique?


Pro 1
Seeing as the former one has been ‘patched’, is there any other surefire jumpball techniques? I’ve been losing every single one since the sudden change, and it’s pretty annoying.


Pro 1
I didn't even know there was anything going on that could be patched...
It used to be that the moment the ref starts to move you spam tap the button and it always worked. Maybe I’m just not too keen as I used to be. Patched wasn’t the correct terminology though.


Rookie 1
It used to be that the moment the ref starts to move you spam tap the button and it always worked. Maybe I’m just not too keen as I used to be. Patched wasn’t the correct terminology though.

It has undoubtedly changed recently in comparison to how it had always been since I began playing during season 1.

I thought I became irrationally annoyed when I'd lose maybe 1 out of every 50 or so jumps-mostly due to becoming distracted in the moment when the pre-game loading screen was up&catching on a split second late-but .. a recent trend of very brief moments of absolute fury within me bc of whatever alteration they've made has taught me that I had it made in virtual tip-off heaven & took it for granted.


All-Star 1
It has undoubtedly changed recently in comparison to how it had always been since I began playing during season 1.

I thought I became irrationally annoyed when I'd lose maybe 1 out of every 50 or so jumps-mostly due to becoming distracted in the moment when the pre-game loading screen was up&catching on a split second late-but .. a recent trend of very brief moments of absolute fury within me bc of whatever alteration they've made has taught me that I had it made in virtual tip-off heaven & took it for granted.
LOL...this is especially true for me in Arena mode! 😖


Rookie 1
Whoever swipes earliest before the ref actually tosses it up usually wins the tip, at least in my experience. even when my Center is way shorter (magic johnson) and jumping against Yao Ming.


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