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New H2H mode coming?

This info is from the China server but may be relevant to the other apps.
"NBA LIVE" mobile game as the first real control 5v5 mobile game on the market, aiming to provide players with the most operational games and the most real-time activities. Some time ago, we updated the online battle mode and replaced the ordinary online battle with the ?final match? series with the nature of the ladder and the reward and punishment mechanism. However, the player is not satisfied with this. The AI ??system is complicated, the operation is not smooth, and the problem of excessive value of the battle data is always an inevitable problem for the players in the game. But now, the NBA LIVE mobile game is about to open a new version, and players will embark on a new NBA journey. In the new version, the "NBA LIVE" mobile game combines the opinions of the players and adjusts several gameplay upgrades for the player.

In the new version, we have created new activities for PVP play in order to...
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All-Star 3
Let's hope it's for the better..
Personally have liked showdown over h2h.. guaranteed rewards and matching over a wide range of ovrs (105 to 95) is fine by me..


Rookie 3
Staff member
Maybe this has been the reason why the bottom end of s2 sucks. All resources contributed to season 3 mode..

Wishful thinking....


All-Star 1
I thought SD was a step in the right direction. But rewards werent quite good enough and 2 weeks is far too long to stretch it out. Hopefully they have some good improvements coming and this isn't just for China


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
This has to be taken with a handful of salt because EVERY promotional thing EA releases is not what we get the proof is in your app store in the screenshots and videos EA put up there that shows things we never got same for last season with the blue cards so the look of having cards in any position in this game mode while I hope we can do that in s3 I doubt it EA will find a way to tweak it before the mode comes and then not communicate the changes


Rookie 2
This has to be taken with a handful of salt because EVERY promotional thing EA releases is not what we get the proof is in your app store in the screenshots and videos EA put up there that shows things we never got same for last season with the blue cards so the look of having cards in any position in this game mode while I hope we can do that in s3 I doubt it EA will find a way to tweak it before the mode comes and then not communicate the changes

Screenshots for reference:



Expect things to be different than what you get in previews.
It seems that this new mode may be a China exclusive. They released more information about their reset and said the launch of their new season will be 2-3 weeks behind the US while they test this new PvP mode.


Rookie 1
Lineups are locked in 3 weeks, what would be the point changing it now if we can't add new players? What rewards could they give us that would be useful?


Rookie 1
On NBALM China official website, they will start testing real-time PVP from next season, but I am not sure about the world server. They have more rewards and more better cards, which is sad and true. So we will see. lol


Rookie 3
sweet s3 change! makes sense they test in on chona 1st then release global
"live" h2h, would be sweet, but lag will be the biggest prob @ first


Rookie 3
Staff member
Real time will have lag issues depending on country and prob won?t be very fair.

Just reminded me of trying to play counter strike 1.5 against a USA clan and getting ping owned... ah the good old days


Rookie 2
Real time will have lag issues depending on country and prob won?t be very fair.

Just reminded me of trying to play counter strike 1.5 against a USA clan and getting ping owned... ah the good old days

Gosh, don't remind me of that! I played CS for ages before I was enlisted in the army. I encountered the same ping crap too...gosh, bad memories. :? :lol:


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