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Need some help on selling bench


Rookie 1
Got some spare 86 players like wes unseld, terry porter, isaiah thomas... All of them are dirt cheap on AH but can't be sold

Seems like players below 89 have literally no resell value now

Wonder what are you guys doing with your extra bench players?


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Just keep them for a trade in set that will gold more value than they sell for now


Rookie 1
thx stewie

is it always better to sell the top players from current promo

what's the best strategy to balance between having a decent team ovr and making coins?


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
thx stewie

is it always better to sell the top players from current promo

what's the best strategy to balance between having a decent team ovr and making coins?

You're welcome and it's best to sell early and buy later
Maybe I jumped to conclusions too soon. Looks like this new set could be for SD masters only. Like an improvement for the 80-83 ovr ---- > 1-3 elite balls that is already there.
I've been saving all my elite players and collectibles and my inventory is constantly full because you never know when you will need them. One thing with this game is save everything you can that can be of value for future sets.


Rookie 1
saving all collectibles is a bit of challenge

i'm keeping the elite ones, and some gold ones, hoping for some old token trade-in sets in future


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