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Need advice for the lineup


All-Star 3
I dont know how you have the time. I get bored with one account. I just cant repeat the same events over and over on multiple. It made sense when we could move coins to our main account but after they changed that I gotta ask what's the benefit?
Me personally .. cos I was spending more time upgrading my team rather actual play the game, I used my alt for playing showdown trying out teams without worrying abt ovr.. store packs with saved NBA cash.. I only did promos which were stamina free or where one master just needed 8 hr first wins..


Rookie 1
I dont know how you have the time. I get bored with one account. I just cant repeat the same events over and over on multiple. It made sense when we could move coins to our main account but after they changed that I gotta ask what's the benefit?

Yep no since the AH has changed, but at least I can try the players and then determine which is suitable for me to use in my main account also i use they for help LvL


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