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NBALM China - NBA Finals Promo Info


Rookie 3
legend! there is almost no way that this could be different to the global, looks too complex just for one server
who said.. buying up elites?? :D


Rookie 2
By the looks of it, you'll need to build the 4 99s to get tokens for the Finals MVP.
Looks pretty damn expensive so I might skip this one.


Rookie 3
looking @ the board look @ home much free players and tokens ther will be, this is a sell now, buy later event, similar to "classic" season 1 formula :)


Rookie 2


99 Pippen from this promo and UL Pippen maxed to 99 OVR (ignoring the boosts that make him 100 OVR).
Even more proof of how fake stats are as UL Pip has 56 total stats more.


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief


99 Pippen from this promo and UL Pippen maxed to 99 OVR (ignoring the boosts that make him 100 OVR).
Even more proof of how fake stats are as UL Pip has 56 total stats more.

The same went for his playoffs 97 with each new overall upgrade he gets over his UL is a downgrade on stats


Rookie 1
So, how are you guys getting the tokens? I've completed all the events, sold the gold players, sold the elite and now what? 2 weeks of "drills" at every 4 hours rewarding chance packs? Damn.


Rookie 2
So, how are you guys getting the tokens? I've completed all the events, sold the gold players, sold the elite and now what? 2 weeks of "drills" at every 4 hours rewarding chance packs? Damn.

Just buy, buy, buy. Unless you have a ton of coins, better sell everything you get, cause this promo looks like it's aimed at top tier players only.


Rookie 1
So, how are you guys getting the tokens? I've completed all the events, sold the gold players, sold the elite and now what? 2 weeks of "drills" at every 4 hours rewarding chance packs? Damn.

Just buy, buy, buy. Unless you have a ton of coins, better sell everything you get, cause this promo looks like it's aimed at top tier players only.

Oh, I see. Nah, I'm kind of broken right now, was thinking about make some cash with this promo. Thank you!


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