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NBA live mobile Level


Rookie 1
Good morning guys!
I don’t know if this is a question, sort of complaining or just curiosity.
I reached level 100 one month ago and that totally sucks!!! Not only I don’t have anymore prizes but also the stamina....it’s a shame.
Is it the maximum level ? And if it’s, is this the first year that this happens?
I’m asking that because I realized there are less “achievements” to be done in this season than in the last one...Just with leveling up. Of course found That out The same day the game’s been released.😱
Again less prizes and this is crazy enough... for a NBALM COMPLAINT!!!🤬

Thanks for your answers.


  • 95EDFAD8-83E3-4E72-ADE6-71F904619324.png
    423.5 KB · Views: 295


Rookie 2
it is max, no its not first year, first season it was level 50, then it became 100 ever since. we all dont have stamina anyway once we reach so no worries, we cant grind more than you by now.

Santoz pg

Rookie 1
Good morning guys!
I don’t know if this is a question, sort of complaining or just curiosity.
I reached level 100 one month ago and that totally sucks!!! Not only I don’t have anymore prizes but also the stamina....it’s a shame.
Is it the maximum level ? And if it’s, is this the first year that this happens?
I’m asking that because I realized there are less “achievements” to be done in this season than in the last one...Just with leveling up. Of course found That out The same day the game’s been released.😱
Again less prizes and this is crazy enough... for a NBALM COMPLAINT!!!🤬

Thanks for your answers.
I also realized beginners have advantage in events coz their stamina refill fast by leveling up. So when you reach 100 just use money to buy NBA cash if love campaign events.


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