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My unofficial luck in the shard exchange


Rookie 2
I unfortunately did not count the actual amount of exchanges with a baseline of how many I started from but I recently decided there was no way I was going to do well enough this week to get a 100 showdown player the old fashioned way so i decided to take the guys I was furthest away from and do the 2 for 1 shard exchange.

I had 40 of Lowry and Hardaway so I did 59 exchanges with the shards from Hayward, Dr. J and Kemp.

I now have Hardaway! And I am 2 Lowry shards away from 100.

I don't know if this will help anyone but figured some of you math wizzes may be able to use this to decide if it's worth exchanging for you.


Rookie 2
I already have him and I gotta say, I'm not sure I should've gotten him. He's good but I have him at a 106 and I thought he should be unreal. He is just very good. Helps much more on defense than offense.
People are actually using the shards to get 105 Pantheon AD. Better player than any of the showdown titans.

This is what I did first. I took all the collectibles from players I was furthest away from getting and got AD. Then with my remaining tokens I exchanged them to finish off the one player I was closest to getting which was Hardaway. I'm glad I never used the exchange set all season until AD came out.


Rookie 2
I had gotten Hayward by sacrificing 10 of my Dr J, Lowry and Jordan shards in that exchange on that Sunday.

But I still had at least 50 shards left for the latter 3 just mentioned.

So after season reset, by winning the easy SD levels, I've gotten the remaining 10 and get AD 105 as well, with EA giving me 5 GT players additional to let my 95 plats go. Haha...


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