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Monthly Master Ray Allen


Rookie 3
I haven't seen a thread about this one yet. What do you guys think about this monthly master?

For me, it's one of the very few bright spots of season 4 so far. The challenges are fun to play, and a 86OVR player with team boost AND ability seems like a great addition to any team for now, both F2P and P2W. And with some grinding, even F2P players can get the full master, it seems.


All-Star 1
Would’ve been nice if he wasn’t in the same position as a Superstar...but the 84 version is easy to get and the 85 is possible with minimal spend. I forget how many extra tokens you get with the pass but seems the 86 is within reach for under 2k nba cash.


Rookie 3
Since there is pretty much no way to get Superstar shards without spending money, I've already given up on the superstars. They seem aimed at paid players. There's no way to grind them.


Rookie 3
You can earn 9 Tokens a day, which would mean 252 more tokens now. That'll get you within reach of the 85 master.


Rookie 3
For anyone wondering: A weekly pass of 700 NBA Cash gets you 10 elite tokens upfront and 70 gold tokens a day (50 from daily goals and 20 + 200 stamina daily).

So 700 NBA Cash gets you 34.5 elite tokens for your monthly master.


All-Star 1
For anyone wondering: A weekly pass of 700 NBA Cash gets you 10 elite tokens upfront and 70 gold tokens a day (50 from daily goals and 20 + 200 stamina daily).

So 700 NBA Cash gets you 34.5 elite tokens for your monthly master.
If my math is correct then, you now need 3 passes to complete the MM. Seemed like only 2 was necessary in s3? And even then you could squeeze it out with one pass and the 2 for 1 packs at the end of the month.


Rookie 1
Wait, don't you need 4 passes?

The MM needs a total of 400 elite tokens (5+10+20+35+50+80+100+100). Without any passes, you can get 9 elite tokens per day, so 270 for the month.

That leaves 130 more elite tokens needed. With the 7-day pass, you get 10 elite tokens upfront and can convert the extra 70 gold tokens into 3.5 elite tokes per day (which is 24.5 elite tokens per week). the 10 and 24.5 add up to 34.5 elite tokens per week.

Three weeks of 34.5 would be 103.5, which means you'd still need another 26.5 elite tokens, right?

Anyone want to check the math here? (My calculations could be wrong or there's something I'm missing...)


All-Star 1
If the bogo pack is available at the end it will be slightly cheaper than a 4th pass but no stamina so...

with Luka, I think I’ll settle for the non-clutch version as a bench player.


Rookie 3
Yeah that's what I'm going to do. I'm right on schedule to get the 85 Master, which will make a good bench player with his 3-point boost.


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