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Missing Duo Point


Rookie 1
So I was playing the duo event for the 99 Middleton and server maintenance happen and I lost my point how do I get it back?

Steve Rogers

Rookie 2
Man that sucks! Unscheduled maintenances can screw you up royally in a campaign like this.
Taking into consideration that you need 2-3 days hard grind for a single point then loosing that point due to unexpected maintenance is disaster for entire promo...basicly you loose 2 109 players if EA dont give back that point...smh 😐🔫


All-Star 1
I mean seriously...how f'ing sh*tty is it that you get one chance at these duo events? If I didn't get so many chances to complete the mundane live event it "might" make sense but c'mon. Add to it that you can accidentally play the same duo event twice and it will happily eat your token is the ultimate in lazy programming.

@TomH : You're right...it is.


Rookie 1
I mean seriously...how f'ing sh*tty is it that you get one chance at these duo events? If I didn't get so many chances to complete the mundane live event it "might" make sense but c'mon. Add to it that you can accidentally play the same duo event twice and it will happily eat your token is the ultimate in lazy programming.

@TomH : You're right...it is.
I think u do...one time the game crashed when I was playing the Shaqand yao attack event but somehow after one day they give me the point back random


All-Star 3
I think u do...one time the game crashed when I was playing the Shaqand yao attack event but somehow after one day they give me the point back random
Ya i remember last time they compensated people.. this time waiting to hear someone who got compensated..


Rookie 1
I think u do...one time the game crashed when I was playing the Shaqand yao attack event but somehow after one day they give me the point back random

Hope so, so suck lost poin cause of crash or unscheduled maintenance.


Rookie 1
Nope didnt get duo coin back for east side same thing happn to me and i called ea they gave me 2400 green dollars


Rookie 1
The reason you wont get the point back they said cuz they gave everyone free west and east coin so technically they said we never lost anything so compensate with cash instead


Rookie 1
I was on pace to get Westbrook and Harden ftp, but of course the event crashed, and I lost the duo token. Free throw shooting in these events is a bug, and they still won't fix it. But I ain't surprised. Does not seem like they will compensate the token rather just cash which is some bs. Wasted so much time honestly.


Rookie 1
if it is indeed 2400 cash,

That's about 320-360 east or west points (if you convert to refills)
That's pretty close to making it up asides the east/west points already given which is more that fair.


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