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Missing coin snowflakes and rep ornament packs today


Rookie 1
Anyone know what happened to these? For the ornament pack, it?s conpletely missing. For the snowflake pack, I logged on after reset and the pack hadn?t reset from yesterday.

Anyone else having the same issue?
Brian said he reported it to the team and the fix should come tomorrow....So, who's keeping track? So far we are at 2 days with no coin pack for flakes, 1 of which we didn't have a rep pack for any item at all and now 1 day with no rep pack for OTT.

Who's willing to bet we start at Superstar again Monday? :D


All-Star 3
Brian said he reported it to the team and the fix should come tomorrow....So, who's keeping track? So far we are at 2 days with no coin pack for flakes, 1 of which we didn't have a rep pack for any item at all and now 1 day with no rep pack for OTT.

Who's willing to bet we start at Superstar again Monday? :D



Rookie 1
Theres only so many times you can hear, "UHH... WHOOPS!!! THANKS FOR BRINGING THAT TO OUR ATTENTION, WE WILL HAVE THAT FIXED SHORTLY!" before you start to suspect something's obviously up.


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