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Maxed Kyrie Irving


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Kyrie cards have the best manual gameplay imo even dating back to last season his steal stat is worthless because no matter the stat he'll get a bunch of steals sadly his AI isn't that great but I wonder how this one performs on AI


All-Star 1
I?m building him now but haven?t been impressed with his AI in Showdown. Easy to steal from using 99 maxed Lillard and he has missed quite a few shots. I value AI pretty highly in my players though as I can manage with lesser players in manual but since we have no control of our AI...


Rookie 2
i doubt that he will miss any shot

For me manually he still misses a few shots but hits at least 3-4 threes a quarter if not more. Steals are there and even rebounds from time to time. I have no data on AI obviously, as showdown is kinda hard to predict. Sometimes my AI wins and 80% of the time it loses its druve. But, in LVL play I can say maxed Kyrie can hold his own in AI. Rarely does my AI lose and I play games with my league mates and feedback I get is that it?s Hard to stop. But then again, they are my league mates.. so who knows... heheehe


Rookie 3
i doubt that he will miss any shot

For me manually he still misses a few shots but hits at least 3-4 threes a quarter if not more. Steals are there and even rebounds from time to time. I have no data on AI obviously, as showdown is kinda hard to predict. Sometimes my AI wins and 80% of the time it loses its druve. But, in LVL play I can say maxed Kyrie can hold his own in AI. Rarely does my AI lose and I play games with my league mates and feedback I get is that it?s Hard to stop. But then again, they are my league mates.. so who knows... heheehe

3-4 3 pointers is that it try to shoot more from 3 point line my untrained 98 Allen Iverson hits 5 3 pointers easily in every match it means u are taking less shots from 3 point line


Rookie 2
i doubt that he will miss any shot

For me manually he still misses a few shots but hits at least 3-4 threes a quarter if not more. Steals are there and even rebounds from time to time. I have no data on AI obviously, as showdown is kinda hard to predict. Sometimes my AI wins and 80% of the time it loses its druve. But, in LVL play I can say maxed Kyrie can hold his own in AI. Rarely does my AI lose and I play games with my league mates and feedback I get is that it?s Hard to stop. But then again, they are my league mates.. so who knows... heheehe

3-4 3 pointers is that it try to shoot more from 3 point line my untrained 98 Allen Iverson hits 5 3 pointers easily in every match it means u are taking less shots from 3 point line

I shoot more threes but I try to spread it out with max Master Harden, max Royalty Lebron and maxed 103 Anthony Davis. I find it more effective than shooting 5-8 straight three pointers with one player. With the shooting cap Set Kyrie is bound to miss even with 100 base 3 pointer plus boosts. Plus The two clutch shots is guaranteed.

Incidentally, that maxed AD is quite impressive when he is set and open. Rarely rarely misses. Especially when he?s coming down from D and I pass it to him just after he crosses mid court line. Usually other PF is down the block so he is wide open. Book it.


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