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manu's retirement


Rookie 1
this was kinda late but it just came across my mind. when pierce retired, they had a whole campaign where u could get a free 97-99 pierce. for manu, there was just a pack that doesn't even guarantee manu! I feel they should've made manu obtainable for f2p players, maybe something like harden mvp or next gen
That type of events made the season 1 the best, even if now is more grindeable content, if we don't complain all the time ea don't do anything
That's something you can suggest to Brian for future retirements although it may be difficult to fit into the campaign model. From memory, that Pierce event came during the massive delay between the end of S1 and the beginning of S2 and was something they whipped up because S2 wasn't ready yet.


Rookie 1
That's something you can suggest to Brian for future retirements although it may be difficult to fit into the campaign model. From memory, that Pierce event came during the massive delay between the end of S1 and the beginning of S2 and was something they whipped up because S2 wasn't ready yet.

I dont think so. I think pierce was planned cuz the reset was to take place early October and I looked back at some videos and the pierce events launched sep 21


Rookie 1
That's something you can suggest to Brian for future retirements although it may be difficult to fit into the campaign model. From memory, that Pierce event came during the massive delay between the end of S1 and the beginning of S2 and was something they whipped up because S2 wasn't ready yet.

They could have delayed S2 for 5 years for what I care. Bring back season 1.


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