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Lvl gameplay tutorial

Santoz pg

Rookie 1
This is just a game not a real life sports, so those guys that want to score every 3point, get every rebound,get every steal just remember it's just a game & ur not LeBron James the only thing that is connecting you to him is your device.have fun


All-Star 1
dub365 dub365 T TomH

What’s the reason for sticking It out in s4 if you’ve already decided to quit? Promos are a joke, lvl is full of cheaters, gameplay is broke etc. Asking for a friend...😜


Pro 2
dub365 dub365 T TomH

What’s the reason for sticking It out in s4 if you’ve already decided to quit? Promos are a joke, lvl is full of cheaters, gameplay is broke etc. Asking for a friend...😜

Its illogical as this game. Season reset just seems the right spot.

Or plain old inertia. Like my centers. Who just stand there. While a 6’ pg goes straight up and grabs the rebound.

playing lvl today had to tank my lineup to 108 to stay no more than 1 above opponent. Second drive this happened on ONE ai possession - block, block, block out of bounds, inbounds shot missed, ai rebound, block, ai pg holds ball until shot clock expires (you know, the odd top of the key animation where you literally can’t move defender to the dribble side). That was basically half the quarter.

Yeah, it’s plain old inertia.
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Rookie 2
dub365 dub365 T TomH

What’s the reason for sticking It out in s4 if you’ve already decided to quit? Promos are a joke, lvl is full of cheaters, gameplay is broke etc. Asking for a friend...😜

the recycled promo became recycled too much, its now 2 years of recycling, it becomes bad, and tiring. Moving away from the s1 structure and putting promos consecutively is tiring. but now its straight up boring when they put recycled 24/7 promos.

they also make stuff worse at random interval. suddenly shooting lineup not working for example. We can step out of bounds because we run too hard to baseline. random stuff they added that makes things worse.


Rookie 3
Can someone tell me in the second video why he kept pausing the game and unpauseing it what the heck was he doing that for?


Rookie 3
Can someone tell me in the second video why he kept pausing the game and unpauseing it what the heck was he doing that for?
It’s a cheesy trick actually. When you know a shot will go in, force close the app and the game will reset on opponent’s inbound possession from the time they got the ball. Usually being done when clutch shot was release. You can just do it once though as the second force close will result to penalty (-10 margin on your score). You can see that he did it actually on his 4th video i think where he scored +36 in 2 drives. But on the video you saw, i think he was late for a forced close several times.


Rookie 3
Nope, just a league chat to tell his league mate that he will take his turns. Some leagues do that (including our league...haha) to avoid playing at the same time as they think it will add to the ‘nerf’. Just some in-game superstition though and not sure where it came from.

Cheating is when you use a 3rd party app to manipulate in-game numbers/stats.


Pro 1

So, let me see if I got this right. Is this guy's strategy in LvL to force-close whenever the opponent is about to score?

Oh man, am I glad I stopped wasting time on LvL some 6 months ago!


Rookie 3

So, let me see if I got this right. Is this guy's strategy in LvL to force-close whenever the opponent is about to score?

Oh man, am I glad I stopped wasting time on LvL some 6 months ago!
Man, you can only force close once. The second will result to penalty (-10 against you). Not really defending it since i know it kinda sucks that it is the best ‘solution’ EA can do for the forceclose issue. Back in season 1 you can force close as many as you want and the ball will resume in your possession. Fix was made that you will get -10 whenever you force close even just once. But then some don’t have stable connection at times so it kinda penalized them so that’s why i guess EA allowed disconnection once every drive, but the ball will end up on opponent’s possession. It doesn’t have that much advantage though since your opponent can still score when the quarter resume and the result actually could be worse.


Pro 1
Man, you can only force close once. The second will result to penalty (-10 against you). Not really defending it since i know it kinda sucks that it is the best ‘solution’ EA can do for the forceclose issue. Back in season 1 you can force close as many as you want and the ball will resume in your possession. Fix was made that you will get -10 whenever you force close even just once. But then some don’t have stable connection at times so it kinda penalized them so that’s why i guess EA allowed disconnection once every drive, but the ball will end up on opponent’s possession. It doesn’t have that much advantage though since your opponent can still score when the quarter resume and the result actually could be worse.
I didn't realize I could only do it once. I didn't even know you could do it at all. Still, it's not the kind of game (not video... loved the video) I'm interested in. I like to play full quarters without having to force close or worrying what other tricks the other playing is using.

No problem with me. It's good that these tricks come out so everyone is on the same level, more pressure for EA to "fix" it and it makes it much easier for players to decide to stop playing LvL


Rookie 3
Yeah, even i barely make advantage of that bug, especially if i am playing my turns on a rush as i suck on defense and most of the time opponent will score anyway and worse, a 3 pointer instead of just 2 point.


All-Star 1
The bigger issue with the “force close bug” was the clock manipulation (ie game would clock back to last clock stoppage so if you had a missed basket and AI stalled by holding the ball you could quit and gain back the time lost since you started your possession, albeit with opponent getting the ball). It seems EA has addressed this issue with recent updates so I feel the system is pretty fair now - if you have a bad internet connection and the game crashes you have one more chance to finish your quarter. Even in this case, the opponent starts with the ball so I feel this now results in a one possession difference at most (ie 2-3 pts) where previously it could be multiple possessions.


Rookie 1
Why did he have like 3/4 different street lineups?? I mean is that possible???

It didn’t mentioned in the video, will ask him. Anyway, The guy just posted a new video of a lvl drive against same 110 ovr and finished with 26 margins. I will tell him to post something like 30+ or 40+ in the future.
I’m so tired of (rigged) pack openings. lol

Ive played with this guy. He is consistently good. Sometimes really good. A lot better than me. Tho today’s lvl I got robbed of a 32 by a pf half court “buzzer beater.” But for me, I’d take 29 every day of the week and be delighted. Depending on what the game decides for me tomorrow I could drop an 8! I’ve started tanking my manual lineup to 108 to play lvl, even if opponent has a 109 lineup. So far fewer nerfs. This game is so upside down broken. 🤦‍♂️
Is this gameplay still good for s5 standards in LvL?


Pro 2
Is this gameplay still good for s5 standards in LvL?
It’s worse. We have reached the day I dreaded - critical mass. Our league has lost 7 top flight players in the last two weeks (since the app update). It’s a combo of the worst gameplay since the inception of this game and as leagues lose players they also loose the ability to vary search numbers to avoid cheat leagues. We’ve matched cheat leagues four days in a row. I’ve checked with commissioners or members of 5 other top 50 leagues and they have lost between 4 and 17 players since the last app update which jacked up ai and nerfed shooting. The mass exodus has arrived. These are mostly spenders too. I’ve never seen anything like it.
It’s worse. We have reached the day I dreaded - critical mass. Our league has lost 7 top flight players in the last two weeks (since the app update). It’s a combo of the worst gameplay since the inception of this game and as leagues lose players they also loose the ability to vary search numbers to avoid cheat leagues. We’ve matched cheat leagues four days in a row. I’ve checked with commissioners or members of 5 other top 50 leagues and they have lost between 4 and 17 players since the last app update which jacked up ai and nerfed shooting. The mass exodus has arrived. These are mostly spenders too. I’ve never seen anything like it.
For sure. Actually i was in a top 40 league as well and just quitted this game recently coz of the ai buff and that shooting nerf(obviously promos have been a mess in s5).
I was reading this thread few days ago coz i knew about this guy but wanted to know exactly how he did these. Then i came to know that the gameplay in s4 was better than in s5 from my league mates(i left the game after s2 so idk much about s4).
Thanks man for replying 👍🙏


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