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Looking for a league


Rookie 1
I just need a league to join with like every 2 days match up ... ovr 106 / lvl 87


Rookie 2
your other lineups reach 104 (or at least a few 104, few 103) ? If yes apply to us, Spin Palace rank 150ish.

Requirements is to play daily, and have a reasonable margin (try to reach 15 average, but please not less than 10)

We run games daily, sometimes last guy get autobench but that is true for all teams anyway


Rookie 2
Maybe he meant when the system auto cut some of the players when you get matched with the league with lesser members than yours

Yep. It happens randomly. If you get benched too much (ie a few times a week I try to swap places. Unless your ovr is low or you're playing badly)

But yes. That's true everywhere. Ea will bench some of the guys to find a match

Santoz pg

Rookie 1
Yep. It happens randomly. If you get benched too much (ie a few times a week I try to swap places. Unless your ovr is low or you're playing badly)

But yes. That's true everywhere. Ea will bench some of the guys to find a match
So you mean ea can Auto bench players, have heard it today


Rookie 2
So you mean ea can Auto bench players, have heard it today

Yes. For example there's a league with 6 looking for match.

There's another league with 5 looking for a match.

Ea will bench the last member of the 6 member team and match them.

That's why last member should be the one who usually score less.

I said it ahead because we have faced people who quit on us because he got auto benched thinking it was intentional

It shouldn't be a big deal tho. It only happens once Ina. While and happens to all leagues anyway

Santoz pg

Rookie 1
Yes. For example there's a league with 6 looking for match.

There's another league with 5 looking for a match.

Ea will bench the last member of the 6 member team and match them.

That's why last member should be the one who usually score less.

I said it ahead because we have faced people who quit on us because he got auto benched thinking it was intentional

It shouldn't be a big deal tho. It only happens once Ina. While and happens to all leagues anyway
That's why I don't like being last in leagues


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