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Legends and Flashbacks


Rookie 1
Ok so i am about to earn a Legend player and another Flashback player also. (Got them all last time except for Rondo) I was just thinking how really they are useless to me now cause all my players have better stats lol. Anyone else have the same problem?

Btw i suppose i will get Fat Lever as my Legend and Drogan for the Flash


Rookie 1
Ok so i am about to earn a Legend player and another Flashback player also. (Got them all last time except for Rondo) I was just thinking how really they are useless to me now cause all my players have better stats lol. Anyone else have the same problem?

Btw i suppose i will get Fat Lever as my Legend and Drogan for the Flash
Srry i meant Goran lol
Ok so i am about to earn a Legend player and another Flashback player also. (Got them all last time except for Rondo) I was just thinking how really they are useless to me now cause all my players have better stats lol. Anyone else have the same problem?

Btw i suppose i will get Fat Lever as my Legend and Drogan for the Flash

I picked Legend T-Mac and sold him for 225k yesterday. The other 3 go for less. Only value for me.

Flashbacks are all the same, so pick what you want


All-Star 3
Anyone hoarding tokens.. ?
Have abt 100 legend/50 gotw/45 fb tokens.. hope they announce b4 suspending the programs or else gonna be stuck with tokens..
Already have 90 get loose tokens.... cant quicksell or put into tokens set.. lol


Rookie 3
Anyone hoarding tokens.. ?
Have abt 100 legend/50 gotw/45 fb tokens.. hope they announce b4 suspending the programs or else gonna be stuck with tokens..
Already have 90 get loose tokens.... cant quicksell or put into tokens set.. lol
I started cooking all these just to get the 4 per week.. I'm hoarding LvL tokens
As legend tokens give platinum tokens, we already have the ultimate legend in that cat..
Could be a flashback UL.. but I'm betting there won't be..
GOTW UL is a possibility..
But who knows.. I'm hoarding again from now :)
I started cooking all these just to get the 4 per week.. I'm hoarding LvL tokens
As legend tokens give platinum tokens, we already have the ultimate legend in that cat..
Could be a flashback UL.. but I'm betting there won't be..
GOTW UL is a possibility..
But who knows.. I'm hoarding again from now :)
I'm hoarding them too. For the first 2 seasons legends was my main coin maker and favourite program. They really did a great job in making legends and FB an afterthought and irrelevant unless you pay cash for a legend master or wait months.
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