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Legacy Dirk or max out 91 Ibaka?


Rookie 1
Has anyone looked into this? I?m using legacy Dirk and thinking about maxing our that new 91 Ibaka. Have 94 Aldridge in my bench. Any opinions.

Won?t help my ovr so I?m guessing it?s not worth it.


Rookie 1
I've heard Dirk has great AI but does not seem as good on manual. Ibakas stats look nice, and if his card was maxed, I'm sure he would hit shots and get a good amount of rebounds for you! Try Ibaka at base level and see how he works out for you bro!


All-Star 3
Dirk can still the get the job done.. but it depends on what ur looking for ovr wise with ibaka.. if the 96/7 increases ur total ovr then he s a good upgrade.. if ur ovr doesnt change I dont think it's worth using that much coin on training him up.. might as well sell him and buy a bosh...or a 93 k love


Rookie 3
I think u should go with legacy dirk I play against him many times in Showdown it's only sometimes when he can't make shots or miss consistently his manual is also pretty impressive can make 3s easily


Rookie 2
There is no such thing as not believing in nerfing. As players get better, prior players get worse. Legacy Dirk is now very average at this point.


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