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League Fan Limit


Rookie 1
It seems like players cannot apply to league due to fan minimum even though this season there's no minimum/maximum fan setting. Does anyone else have or heard this issue?


All-Star 3
Ya I think another user (edlll) had bought it up.. it leaves us with only one option.. you have to send an invite. Problem with that is if the user ID is too common it's tough to find someone


Pro 1
Does anyone else have or heard this issue?

yeah if you check the post of my league I'm complaining about that the whole time.

Maybe send a twitter dm or reply to @asros about it so they get a sense that there are more people wanting a fix there.


Rookie 1
This pisses me off, personally, I feel like EA don't give any fu*ks about Leagues.
I won't be making no Twitter account and complain, this guy asros has NBALM Community account, he just doesn't bother checking it. Plus, isn't there enough people who self promo themselves as "Game changer" and all the other labels to get preview of NBALM(?) including this guy name Josh. They should have BEEN notify asros and they should have taken action. But asros already pushed blame to other people saying he doesn't run test(?) or some ridiculous excuse. I find it just absurd they keep pumping out more promos that they have to fix while we have serious major problems that needs to be corrected before they come out with any more promos or new things.


Pro 1
When I first reported the issue via twitter to @asros he replied that he would pass the message and I asked him if there was some other direct contact we could use, and he only mentioned @eahelp, so I guess those are the 'links' we have.

The right people should be aware, but it is probably a low-priority for them as you can see it's just you and me raising the issue here. Hence why I'm saying that more people reporting this may be helpful for our case.

I'm fine with Asros, because he's an active link that actually interacts with users and is a good source of info.
Compared to the void we had in season 2, Asros activity is a wonder.
The excuses he uses are reasonable as far as I've seen. And I'm guessing he may continue to check this forum even if he doesn't participate.

And if Asros doesn't have control of a share of stuff, a game changer means even less impact in the game.
All they can do is report wrong stuff, they're not actively changing anything in the game.

You and me want this stuff fixed ASAP but ofc they're going to look at the whole player-base instead and focus on getting stuff like tip-off ready which is the stuff that the average player cares about. Now if we get at least a reasonable crowd directly complaining about this, I guess they may act faster.

With all that said, s2 was already a demonstration that LvL isn't exactly relevant for them.


Rookie 1
I'm more than graceful that there are new mods here that actually allow us to voice our concerns and discuss real issues.
I feel blessed to see that Official EA Employee section is at the bottom of this forum and asros made an account. However, I won't be thankful when he has time to check his Twitter when us actual "hardcore" users who digs into game forum to do better in game full of glitches/flaws writes 15page long concern they could easily read within a hour and write couple of bullet points and nag game developer/engineers or hire more of them from a major game company while they keep coming up with p2w promos(regardless Next Gen/Elevated are good enough) I don't see a reason why I should feel thankful.

I actually got tired of asros not checking this forum so I made a twitter account in hope of him seeing it. I could careless if I get banned on twitter. Hopefully it leads to him checking this forum or hire someone other than customer line who gives us same line over and over again to check this forum regularly.


Pro 1
I actually got tired of asros not checking this forum so I made a twitter account in hope of him seeing it. I could careless if I get banned on twitter.

If you're talking about being banned I fear you're not getting going for a friendly approach :lol:

I guess people are more likely to listen feedback if you're tough but respectful.

And I'm not saying you should be thankful. But that's all stuff that isn't as simple if you take a look inside.

So in my relaxed relation with this game I'm playing for free, I'll still complain about stuff that needs to be fixed, but I'm not going to be an angry costumer :lol:


Rookie 1
I don't think I'm being rude... at least yet. I was angry S2 player though haha.
I think it's pretty rude that he posted Twit second after I retweeted it but he didn't bother checking it on his shitter (probably) lol
I don't think I'm being rude... at least yet. I was angry S2 player though haha.
I think it's pretty rude that he posted Twit second after I retweeted it but he didn't bother checking it on his shitter (probably) lol

LOL is that your account??? Don't have to answer either way, but whoever owns it is persistent as heck. Love the effort, hope it pays off.


Rookie 1
LOL is that your account??? Don't have to answer either way, but whoever owns it is persistent as heck. Love the effort, hope it pays off.

Yes sir/ma'am, whether he likes it or not, he will acknowledge our forum and our actual issues. I really think waiting for whole season 2 raised my blood pressure lol


Pro 1
I don't think I'm being rude... at least yet. I was angry S2 player though haha.

I'd guess you were probably muted or blocked as soon as you popped in his notifications :lol:

16 text from an inquisitor stranger is still rude to me :p

Oh well, I just want that fan requirement fixed xD


Rookie 1
LOL is that your account??? Don't have to answer either way, but whoever owns it is persistent as heck. Love the effort, hope it pays off.

Yes sir/ma'am, whether he likes it or not, he will acknowledge our forum and our actual issues. I really think waiting for whole season 2 raised my blood pressure lol

You may need to get some medication on standby because it's likely going to be a long wait for them to improve anything related to leagues. :roll:

It took them 3 seasons before they expanded the chat box. With all that screen estate, they are still unable to provide us with proper box scores, or even simply splitting the points differential column into manual and AI scores. How difficult is that? They are already tracking all the necessary stats. But what do they do? They made the scoreboard bigger.

It's obvious their focus isn't on leagues, if you look at what they did (or did not do) with the LvL achievements and rewards last season.
I don't think I'm being rude... at least yet. I was angry S2 player though haha.

I'd guess you were probably muted or blocked as soon as you popped in his notifications :lol:

16 text from an inquisitor stranger is still rude to me :p

Oh well, I just want that fan requirement fixed xD

Hey, I know you were looking to maybe add new members (or at least fix the fan limit so the process is easier for you). I'm not sure if you know, but you can go to your match history and invite people to your league by clicking on their actual picture from the match history screen.


Pro 1
Hey, I know you were looking to maybe add new members (or at least fix the fan limit so the process is easier for you). I'm not sure if you know, but you can go to your match history and invite people to your league by clicking on their actual picture from the match history screen.

Yeah I know that. Got one of our members that way at the start of the season :)

And it was that way that I got an active league from scratch back in 2017 :)

I also get an invite once in a while after a SD match.

But yeah we could have some more folks to get those 10000 challenges done.
Hey, I know you were looking to maybe add new members (or at least fix the fan limit so the process is easier for you). I'm not sure if you know, but you can go to your match history and invite people to your league by clicking on their actual picture from the match history screen.

Yeah I know that. Got one of our members that way at the start of the season :)

And it was that way that I got an active league from scratch back in 2017 :)

I also get an invite once in a while after a SD match.

But yeah we could have some more folks to get those 10000 challenges done.

Yikes, I wondered if it was the same challenge amounts regardless of league size. I guess it would be hard to scale the requirement based on size since it's easy to change the member amount under normal circumstances.

I've had on average of 22-28 members (no idea how often they do challenges since getting all quarters played is a challenge in itself sometimes :lol: ) and are just at 79% completed.

It will obviously help with new events coming in the next week or two but in your case with so few members it's harder.....but hey, at least you're pretty much guaranteed to win 75+ percent of your tourns since you have a small group.


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