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Just Play, Got Addicted and NEED ACTIVE LEAGUE


Rookie 1
Hi Everyone...

My IGN is FlyinFrog, I am now got this line up and selling some cards to improve others position. I just got into this game 2 days ago and playing all day! Need an active league to play! I don't need top league as I am new, but a league that let me play and at least, maybe top 200-300th.

Got so addicted and I got a lot of time to play. I'll be good and stay for the right team, and for sure will get soooooo much better line up within a few day.

Currently around top 100 at showdown myself.

Is there a way you could invite me?.


Additional question:

I joined a league that was not playing and got very bad record, also, I left them because I confuse, why I cannot play any game? Any info?

8CE71616-D537-46A8-AD61-8147A233D029.png 9D2113BA-48BC-46FE-97A3-E26E46F22314.png


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Welcome but in order to play in League vs League you must be included in the tournament search before the 24 hour timer starts my guess is you joined well after that tournament search was started


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