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Impossible daily snowflake objective?


Rookie 1
I got an objective to complete 10 impact challenges, but there are only 3 of those and you don't get extra points for repeated wins??? What am I supposed to do?


Rookie 1
Yep, i just wasted tons of stamina thinking the repeats would count. You can't even complete 10 impact challenges cause there are only 3.


Rookie 1
Man EA are trying but how do they keep messing up simple stuff like this? One guy doing 5 minutes of testing would have made this obvious as a problem


Rookie 1
Just noticed that watching ads doesn't reward any stamina. Seriously that would take 30 seconds to check...
This literally is going from best to worst from last season to this season. Can?t even play this crap what am I playing for? There is nothing to do


Rookie 1
Guess I'm not the only one who run into this problem. There has to be more players and events coming right? Like this can't be all that we get. Right guys? Right?!?!
Seems like the users are the bug testers for EA, because they don't seem to do so themselves.

This is crazy!! The data must be quite complicated and very sensitive. They really don?t have a system to test this stuff before it gets to us?? First, the rollout of showdown was bugged, now this....then people with the pass are supposed to get a discounted auction tax...instead they pay 20 instead of 10???


All-Star 3
Seems like the users are the bug testers for EA, because they don't seem to do so themselves.

This is crazy!! The data must be quite complicated and very sensitive. They really don?t have a system to test this stuff before it gets to us?? First, the rollout of showdown was bugged, now this....then people with the pass are supposed to get a discounted auction tax...instead they pay 20 instead of 10???

Are u guys genuinely surprised...?? At this point if there were no glitches i would be surprised..lol
Seems like the users are the bug testers for EA, because they don't seem to do so themselves.

This is crazy!! The data must be quite complicated and very sensitive. They really don?t have a system to test this stuff before it gets to us?? First, the rollout of showdown was bugged, now this....then people with the pass are supposed to get a discounted auction tax...instead they pay 20 instead of 10???

Are u guys genuinely surprised...?? At this point if there were no glitches i would be surprised..lol

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

Unfortunately, you're correct. It's been par the course in the past, I just.....and I know this is a WILD concept....I just thought maybe they'd LEARN from their glitch mistakes, somehow. That's why I think it has to be some weird data issues that only appear when things go live....I want to believe they are more capable.


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