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How's your north pole line up so far


Rookie 1
You guys are FAST!!! what happens if the card reaches Max Training my benched reach 64ovr and some players reached MAX 69 i need 67ovr for next round


Rookie 1
Just hit 80 ovr but i'm quickly realising that i have no where near enough coins to get a master. I can maybe get 2 players to 89 ovr but that will clean me out of coins completely.


All-Star 3
Just hit 80 ovr but i'm quickly realising that i have no where near enough coins to get a master. I can maybe get 2 players to 89 ovr but that will clean me out of coins completely.

U could Sell one of ur current high ovr players .. sg sf pf prices will drop in 10 days. So sell now.. build ur masters..
80 OVR, Miss the little fellas.

Working on the 86, 86, 86, 86, 86, 79, 79. 79. 79. 79 route toward Garnett. Gave up on Magic on this account.


Rookie 1
Just hit 80 ovr but i'm quickly realising that i have no where near enough coins to get a master. I can maybe get 2 players to 89 ovr but that will clean me out of coins completely.

U could Sell one of ur current high ovr players .. sg sf pf prices will drop in 10 days. So sell now.. build ur masters..

This is kind of irrelevant but if I have 250k coins and sell my 89 Tatum, do you think I'll have enough coins to get both Paul George and Kevin Garnett?(72 North Pole OVR)


All-Star 3
Just hit 80 ovr but i'm quickly realising that i have no where near enough coins to get a master. I can maybe get 2 players to 89 ovr but that will clean me out of coins completely.

U could Sell one of ur current high ovr players .. sg sf pf prices will drop in 10 days. So sell now.. build ur masters..

This is kind of irrelevant but if I have 250k coins and sell my 89 Tatum, do you think I'll have enough coins to get both Paul George and Kevin Garnett?(72 North Pole OVR)
Dont know abt both.. but based on the other thread if u grind enough yes. I sold tatum a week before to have some coin for that reason . Did showdown and got 87 ingles so my team didnt suffer..so yes i would suggest to sell him if ur moving forward in this promo before people start completing 89 ariza and 90 pg13 and tatums price drops.. this is just my 2 cents.. others might think differently...
80 OVR, Miss the little fellas.

Working on the 86, 86, 86, 86, 86, 79, 79. 79. 79. 79 route toward Garnett. Gave up on Magic on this account.
I'm exactly here as well. 80ovr, working on the same route but I'm going for either Garnett or Oladipo. I also gave up on Magic. Curry will have to do for a while.


Rookie 1
U could Sell one of ur current high ovr players .. sg sf pf prices will drop in 10 days. So sell now.. build ur masters..

This is kind of irrelevant but if I have 250k coins and sell my 89 Tatum, do you think I'll have enough coins to get both Paul George and Kevin Garnett?(72 North Pole OVR)
Dont know abt both.. but based on the other thread if u grind enough yes. I sold tatum a week before to have some coin for that reason . Did showdown and got 87 ingles so my team didnt suffer..so yes i would suggest to sell him if ur moving forward in this promo before people start completing 89 ariza and 90 pg13 and tatums price drops.. this is just my 2 cents.. others might think differently...
Appreciate the help. I'll just rebuy tatum if all fails.


Rookie 2
Should hit 83 tonight but I bought a bundle (grinding nba cash) so that helped.

What are you guys doing with gold and elite players you don't use. They aren't auctionable, are you just trading them in for the TP? Or waiting for later possible uses?


Rookie 1
How do we trade these ?elf? players for TP? It would make things easier if they?d let us use them for TP in North Pole players.


All-Star 1
Should hit 83 tonight but I bought a bundle (grinding nba cash) so that helped.

What are you guys doing with gold and elite players you don't use. They aren't auctionable, are you just trading them in for the TP? Or waiting for later possible uses?

TP all the way. That's what they were designed for & why they aren't auctionable, according to Brian. I kept 89 Love in my def lineup.


Rookie 1
Can you get 85ovr NorthPole lineup w/o with whole bench 79ovr? putting the 75ovr elites and training them all seems a bit much.


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