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How to Play the battleground mode?

So a quick question: how do I play battleground mode? Is it the same as the arena mode or different? I am able to play the arena mode as I played 2 matches today, won one and lost one. I saw in the store that you can get battleground players as well as tokens to unlock that 109 Chauncey billups. Any help would be appreciated
Battleground is a tourney in the arena mode. There are 3, basic, premium & battleground.
When you finish your actual tourney, scroll to right & it's the last one
Battleground is a tourney in the arena mode. There are 3, basic, premium & battleground.
When you finish your actual tourney, scroll to right & it's the last one
Ok, thanks but one more question: is that mode activated after 5 wins or 2 losses like is it only unlocked after you get the rewards or what? I am confused because when I first played the arena, I didn’t see the option to choose playing different tourneys. I just saw an option to play the main mode and that’s what I played
Ok, thanks but one more question: is that mode activated after 5 wins or 2 losses like is it only unlocked after you get the rewards or what? I am confused because when I first played the arena, I didn’t see the option to choose playing different tourneys. I just saw an option to play the main mode and that’s what I played
The 3 tourneys are open. You can play all of them once for free (daily). Then you need 5k coins (basic tourney) or tickets (the other 2 tourneys) to play more times
The 3 tourneys are open. You can play all of them once for free (daily). Then you need 5k coins (basic tourney) or tickets (the other 2 tourneys) to play more times
Ok, thanks for the information, man. The mode is very laggy at times but generally fun to play. Another issue is the waiting time can be long at times. Still getting used to playing PVP


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