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How much stamina you are losing daily in harvest events

Of course the 3rd try (after restarting the app, I've found that sometimes helps with crazy AI) the AI literally hands me the ball first possession. Didn't even attempt a shot. Offensive foul. I notice the same trend in SD, too. You can go down, miss an EASY WIDE OPEN shot, and the very next possession the AI will randomly get an offensive foul. It's been happening so much lately I don't even see where the foul occurred most times! Just give me the points I deserve, and let my effort on defense be the judge of whether they score!
The potatos event is simply spin right & left until you make a layup or a dunk.

NEVER shoot the ball outside of the paint. NEVER pass the ball to anyone. Do it with your PG.

I've never missed once since I do this.


Pro 1
From who may I ask?


I usually loose 1st try on the mashed potatoes. Lately it seems the AI is on steroids defending (on that event) and they steal (or intercept a pass) from me too easily.
I have been having success with going right to the wing, then doing a spin move (the better u time it .. the easier ur shot) and shooting..

Coincidently, it is exactly how I did it 5 minutes ago :lol:
Sprewel with the layup. But I feel that if I get out a +80% shot it was a good try already, and i want to leave time to get another shot in case I miss the first, so I try to shoot fast.


All-Star 1
******* EA and their ******* bullshit

Ha! Ya know what's bullshit? In the Mashed Potato event, tip-ins don't count as a made basket. I've lost like 4 times bc I missed a layup, and when one of my guys jumped up to knoxk it in
******* EA and their ******* bullshit

Ha! Ya know what's bullshit? In the Mashed Potato event, tip-ins don't count as a made basket. I've lost like 4 times bc I missed a layup, and when one of my guys jumped up to knoxk it in

Ya i noticed that in the previoua promo
Lmao I noticed that as well. I don't recall which other event also had a weird glitch where an alley oop didn't count as a basket.


All-Star 1
And right after my last post the AI goes absolutely crazy in the Turkey event! Defensive lineup, 84 OVR. Does not matter. I'd hate to be a newer player with a lower OVR because these boosts are ridiculous. I kid you not, the AI hit a 3. Ok, I go down and hit a 3. What happens next? AI pulls up for another 3 at the buzzer. Give us a bunch of free stamina, but of course it's a mirage because the events can take it all back when they want to.

I lost that one today too for the first time. I stole the ball and was dribbling out the clock when out of nowhere a defender came flying in for the steal and pulled up from 3 with time expiring. I only had 0.6s and couldn?t get off a shot.


Rookie 3
I am playing the events now very carefully and somehow making improvements but still, one instance or so my very simple layup just missed for some reason.


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