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Hidden objectives for eggs


Pro 2
yep, all 21 eggs are already on the list. Sadly, it's a one time thing for each one
🤷‍♂️ damn. Well I have a blue player, so I need the other color players to get the rest of the eggs. Anyone know if pro packs or LD/SS/ST packs can have egg color players in them?


Rookie 1
🤷‍♂️ damn. Well I have a blue player, so I need the other color players to get the rest of the eggs. Anyone know if pro packs or LD/SS/ST packs can have egg color players in them?
Yep, they can be pulled from any pack that gives 97+ players
I just completed the 97 Malik Beasley set. Apparently you can do it more than once and EA rewarded me 3 green eggs after completing the set


Rookie 1
Do you guys think the 103 master is possible? Cause now I know one 101 is, but a 103 is probably not worth the grind
nobody will be able to get the 104 curry at the end of the promo only 1 person has it but he is involved with EA so he gets everything before anybody else but he gets it for free, he's QJB the youtuber


Rookie 1
i got 2 players but didnt gave me the hidden eggs.where should we have the players?put them to team?put them to sets?ty


All-Star 1
Play a sharpshooters campaign event and earn 1 red easter player - x3 red
FYI, this one might require a first win that’s not the challenge ticket event since I can’t seem to get the award even though I have 97 Robinson.


Rookie 1
i got 2 players but didnt gave me the hidden eggs.where should we have the players?put them to team?put them to sets?ty
U don't have to put them anywhere. You will get the eggs as long as you had them in your possession at one point. I would suggest selling them asap. Make sure you're completing both parts of the objective.


All-Star 1
nobody will be able to get the 104 curry at the end of the promo only 1 person has it but he is involved with EA so he gets everything before anybody else but he gets it for free, he's QJB the youtuber
No dude. Bunch of ppl have Curry. Costs a lot of $ but he's out there


Rookie 1
Damn, so I was relying on EA forgetting to take out the hidden objectives for eggs. I tried playing a showdown game and acquiring a blue player today but no reward of 3 eggs... bummer, looks like yesterday was the deadline


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