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Hey EA!! Quit the B.S. of giving us pieces to already completed sets!!


Rookie 1
I guess I need to reiterate here....this is about dupes for already completed sets. I can't believe EA shills are defending this practice. All walks of life, I guess.


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
I guess I need to reiterate here....this is about dupes for already completed sets. I can't believe EA shills are defending this practice. All walks of life, I guess.

Man they aren't defending it they are stating that they know how EA works as well as the fact that going after KD let alone one of the rookie elites wouldn't be worth it and they know that they won't eliminate the chance to pull dupes because it lowers the chance of people spending money to try and get more collectibles they don't want to stop the possibility of dupes and that is something many people have come to grips with because it is something EA (and most other companies) has done since the dawn of time in situations like that


Rookie 1
Dupes stink but when you buy a pack of any cards in the material world there?s dupes as well.

So you quit the game and deleted the app, saying you "hope I don't reinstall it"...

You post in the "having a meltdown over the rookie event" topic...

You complain about not having bench boosts in legacy lineups....

But then you proceed to come on here with some flippant response about packs in real life? Can't wait to see your next complaint about the game. I'm gonna get real cute about your future gripes. Dupes in real life.....yeah....I guess that compares if you spend $25 on three cards (or some lottery balls)...and in that scenario you get to keep real dupes for the rest of your life (and you aren't at the mercy of some bot on an auction house if you ever want to sell em). But yeah, that was a great response. *Mic Drop*

You confused me with someone else but whatever.


Rookie 1
Stewie, look at the positive response to the Harden pack. Clearly just accepting the practice and coming to grips with it isn't the right way to go. Having some value in packs (coins or cash) is a good thing. People will actually spend more if they see that value. It doesn't actually "lower the chance people will spend money". Yikes....you seem to have missed a huge positive topic around here.


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Stewie, look at the positive response to the Harden pack. Clearly just accepting the practice and coming to grips with it isn't the right way to go. Having some value in packs (coins or cash) is a good thing. People will actually spend more if they see that value. It doesn't actually "lower the chance people will spend money". Yikes....you seem to have missed a huge positive topic around here.

Actually I didn't but whatever floats your boat but anyways they made a new campaign that rewards spending to make up for the one that didn't it's not that hard to comprehend really I've seen you around GG so you've been playing for a while now you should know when a promo starts wether a card will be achievable a lot of people here knew not to even attempt those sets because of how things have gone in the past we aren't accepting the practice there is nothing we can do about it because it's not anything new to the game, company, or games in general asking for it to be gone is pointless because it has always been there and always will same thing with rebounding to get fixed honestly because they've proven they don't want to change it to our liking sorry you fell for the trap but it honestly was obvious to see from a mile away that it was a trap


Pro 1
I didn't confuse you with anyone else. All I did was click on your name.

You did because I havent complained about the game since s3 dripped.

I'll take the opportunity of this William vs Poontish exchange to express one suggestion to the site management.

When you click on your posts or random user posts, in that 'last comments' page , the stuff you quoted is *often not distinguishable from your own text and it should be. At least confusions like the one above would not exist if it was distinguishable


Rookie 1
I didn't confuse you with anyone else. All I did was click on your name.

You did because I havent complained about the game since s3 dripped.

I'll take the opportunity of this William vs Poontish exchange to express one suggestion to the site management.

When you click on your posts or random user posts, in that 'last comments' page , the stuff you quoted is not distinguishable from your own text and it should be. At least confusions like the one above would not exist if it was distinguishable

Ok thanks no worries anyways.


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
I didn't confuse you with anyone else. All I did was click on your name.

You did because I havent complained about the game since s3 dripped.

I'll take the opportunity of this William vs Poontish exchange to express one suggestion to the site management.

When you click on your posts or random user posts, in that 'last comments' page , the stuff you quoted is not distinguishable from your own text and it should be. At least confusions like the one above would not exist if it was distinguishable

Not entirely sure what you mean could you PM me with more details because I have 0 issue distinguishing posts and this is the 1st time it was ever mentioned


Pro 1
Not entirely sure what you mean could you PM me with more details because I have 0 issue distinguishing posts and this is the 1st time it was ever mentioned

PM sent!

edit - in case it wasn't clear for someone else, see here https://i.imgur.com/HZFEEQb.png from my latest posts page.

while in the first one we can clearly see what Stewie said and what I said, in the second post, the sentences of poontish, william and mine - I underlined what each one said - are not distinguishable and all of them look like my own words if you don't click to see the full comment.


Rookie 1
Oh that's so messed up. Apologies to William. I hope you see I was going off flawed info, not my own ignorance. Although, I'm sure thats the opportunity Stewie is gonna take to smirk at my flub (and my ignorance).


Rookie 1
Stewie, I gotta ask, and its not to beat a dead horse...

How does EA "making up for a campaign that rewards spending" differ from any other campaign here? Dont they all reward spending? I don't see the Harden 1.99 pack as anything other than a concession on their part for the glaring problems with costs vs rewards this season. And that only arose from the stink raised over the whole mess. It was a reasonable price, for a reasonable reward, with a reasonable effort required. Plus, it setup a future campaign that extends the life of the original 2 bucks. These things would not exist without the criticisms on this very board.
As for the completed set items...You say "we aren't accepting of it".....followed up by the statement "asking for it to be gone is pointless because it has always been there and always will". That's acceptance.
This idea of seeing sets as impossible to complete from the get-go is some real elitist crap. I want EA to remove completed set items from the rewards. You seem to want to pat yourself on the back while contradicting yourself. I've read your stuff a few times, and maybe it's the lack of periods that have me reading it this way (that is NOT some backhanded comment about punctuation)


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Stewie, I gotta ask, and its not to beat a dead horse...

How does EA "making up for a campaign that rewards spending" differ from any other campaign here? Dont they all reward spending? I don't see the Harden 1.99 pack as anything other than a concession on their part for the glaring problems with costs vs rewards this season. And that only arose from the stink raised over the whole mess. It was a reasonable price, for a reasonable reward, with a reasonable effort required. Plus, it setup a future campaign that extends the life of the original 2 bucks. These things would not exist without the criticisms on this very board.
As for the completed set items...You say "we aren't accepting of it".....followed up by the statement "asking for it to be gone is pointless because it has always been there and always will". That's acceptance.
This idea of seeing sets as impossible to complete from the get-go is some real elitist crap. I want EA to remove completed set items from the rewards. You seem to want to pat yourself on the back while contradicting yourself. I've read your stuff a few times, and maybe it's the lack of periods that have me reading it this way (that is NOT some backhanded comment about punctuation)

1. No it wasn't rewarding spending because it didn't give you much for the the price and you're asking to fix something that will NEVER be fixed because it has been in the game since February 2016 and most games because it adds a degree of difficulty and like I said causing desperation to some and causing them to spend we have to ask for fixes on shit that actually have a chance of getting fixed which is stuff that is new not something that they see as a necessity in the game I don't see it that way but apparently they do as do most other games
2. I'm not patting myself on the back at all it is not my fault or anyone else's fault that you fell for the trap granted you want something fixed going off on everyone because they have something else to say won't help your cause at all and actually cause them to go against your cause simply because your attitude on the subject just because people don't join your fight doesn't mean they are against you and you have to realize that
3. Backhanded or not I will address it... This isn't a professional scene right now so I'm not gonna go out of my way to act that way when I feel like it because this is in fact the internet not an application or job task I pick and choose when I want to be go from social media writing to proper writing
4. This isn't a crusade against you we would all like it gone but stuff that is so prevalent in this game and most other ones simply won't get fixed so people won't even bother to try because we have a hard time getting EA to even lend an ear to us as it is
^^^lol I gave up on EA a long time ago too. NOTHING we have asked for since 2016 has ever been implemented. I dare someone to name one thing other than finally fixing LvsL cheating. Instead ALL the changes EA has made is all things we don't want e.g. Increasing showdown stamina requirements from 10, to 20, to now 40, increasing LvsL stamina requirements, setting AH limits and AH restrictions, removing coin packs and making 97% of packs cash only, increasing live event stamina requirements, making live events non-repeatable, leaving gameplay the same for 3 season's now, removing LvsL masters, putting timers on sets, making 50% of players non-auctionable, I mean the list is just endless!

Duplicates are just part of the game and have always been since day one and people have always complained about it but guess what EA ain't listening as usual. Infact based on the above list I wouldn't be surprised if they actually increase the rate of duplicates. It's just what they do.


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