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Help with PG for NBA lineup


Rookie 1
Guys, seeking advise on replacing my PG.

Right now my team's OVR is 95. I have Billups, and while I'm very satisfied with his manual play, my fear is he is getting stripped repeatedly by opponents in Showdown, as my AI is routinely getting pasted by opponents.

So I'm looking to replace Billups. My ultimate goal is to pick up BB Simmons, but only at 14M coins at the moment so will have to wait a bit (plus he is damn hard to find in AH anyway). Thus I'm thinking about short-term options to replace Billups.

I could get 98 Simmons, not train him, and just hold on to him until (or if) I can get BB Simmons.

What you think?


Rookie 3
Staff member
Guys, seeking advise on replacing my PG.

Right now my team's OVR is 95. I have Billups, and while I'm very satisfied with his manual play, my fear is he is getting stripped repeatedly by opponents in Showdown, as my AI is routinely getting pasted by opponents.

So I'm looking to replace Billups. My ultimate goal is to pick up BB Simmons, but only at 14M coins at the moment so will have to wait a bit (plus he is damn hard to find in AH anyway). Thus I'm thinking about short-term options to replace Billups.

I could get 98 Simmons, not train him, and just hold on to him until (or if) I can get BB Simmons.

What you think?

Hi Toby, Billups is actually quite a good PG in terms of AI - I find it very hard to steal from his AI. Not sure how his manual is.
I'd personally recommend Lillard 97' SM or Simmons as Stewie already mentioned.


Rookie 1
aramwot - with my Billups, it seems pretty easy to dislodge the ball from another Billups. It seems much harder for me to take the ball away from 98 Simmons (or BB Simmons of course). I remember I played a couple of games with a guy with maxed out 94 Lillard and I could NOT get the ball away from him.

Thanks for the input guys. I think I will try out Simmons, but hold onto Billups in the meantime. If Simmons is the ticket, I sell Billups.


Rookie 3
Staff member
I?m using 99 Curry at the moment and he is great other than the fact that he can?t run properly which can be extremely costly in crunch time.

I had the potm 98 Simmons and disliked him strongly - but agree he is tough to steal from...

I?ve taken on billups a fair few times and with 99 Curry or 97 Lillard SM very tough to steal from.

Maybe Billups on billups is easier - never know with EA lol


Rookie 1
There probably isn't a simple answer like changing one player and expecting miracles.

I had UL Rip Alexander previously. I wanted a better shooting SG and replaced him with UL Carter, who I then had to start training due to his low OVR. But I gave up a LOT of defense by switching from Rip to Vince. Rip would hold his own on defense and generate a steal by himself about every other game. Carter's defense is lukewarm, and guys score on him all the time.


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